Oh wow I’m so proud of Benny boy. Training did not come natural to him. But he sure has risen to the occasion. Way to go Benny 👏
The New Years littles crew.
Oogie & Zero-standard & mini doxies
Maker-mini poodle
Ginger of leash recalling like a BOSS!! #boardandtrain
Progress not perfection. Zero had a big breakthrough with his stay. Zero really has the idea about the stay cue! Added bonus he did the stay with another person preset. You can see their feet in the video. For a shy dog this is a huge deal! Shy dogs come out of an open of state of operant thinking when they move into fear. When fear takes over they have a hard time preforming a trained behavior. Operant thinking is where learning and performance takes place. This tells me that zeros confidence is growing. Growing his confidence will serve him well for a lifetime. So proud of this little guys progress.
Learning to love the car. A great way to introduce a dog to car rides is by feeding them in the car. I don’t recommend feeding them in the car right before a car ride as this could upset their stomach. But feeding them in the car daily for a week or two goes a long way in helping them associate the car being positive
“Here” is the cue I use to ask the dog to come when called. Sadie he’s been working toward an off leash recall. And more advanced a chasing recall. This is when the dog is advancing toward people, dogs, bolting out of the gate, and the dog can be called back. Sadie is well on her way with her recall! #miniaussies #boardandtrain #dogtraining #dogtrainer
This beautiful boy is such a pleasure to care for 💕
“ Lacy Here”
Pack hike coming when called.
Lacy on her first pack romp. As she’s been leaning to come when called she is also learning to check in. When a dog checks in they look to you. When they look to you, they’re including you in what they’re doing. They’re also asking “do you need anything from me?” Because we’ve been working on a lot of recall in this she’s asking if I want her to come back. Living and working with dogs is a partnership. Lacy is learning how to be a good partner.
Lacy is learning about car loading. I first taught her to load onto the floorboard of the front seat. The worked with hue to jump onto a surface about as high as the hatch back floor. Then taught her to load into the hatchback. Next I’ll teach her to load into the hatchback and go into a crate. in the meantime she’s learning the “kennel” cue separately. She’ll need that to complete the car loading training.
We were evacuated due to the Airport Fire. Here are places your animals can go if you are displaced.