Meet Piper!
Piper is a Maltese/Shih Tzu mix about 7 years old. She came into our rescue in October after her owner said they couldn't take care of her. Piper wants nothing more than to have a person hold her or cuddle with her. She is the perfect little lap dog!
Piper weighs about 15 pounds and is house trained. She gets along with other dogs, but if food or treats are involved, she needs to be watched because she thinks everything is hers and will not share.
Piper is on prescription dog food and will always need to be in order to avoid bladder stones. She is the cutest beggar for people food so she will need someone to show tough love and not give in to her.
Before applying for her, please be sure to take into consideration the cost of prescription dog food and the fact that she needs to periodically be groomed. Piper's adoption fee is $250. If you are interested in adopting Piper, please complete an application at bestbuddypetrescue.com/dogs.