This is #14. When she came to us she didn’t really people all that well. I mean she didn’t HATE people, she just does not PREFER us. Once you caught her she was fine - assuming you could catch her.
When the Kardashians were with us she mothered them and Scooter like crazy. Always knew where they were. If they didn’t come home with everyone else she yelled for them and they came running back.
She’s laying in the barn right up next to the lambing pens, happy as a clam, LETTING ME PET HER.
I have a feeling I’m not gonna need to worry about anything from her… aside from stealing lambs.
Isobel is delighted to share her first litter of Lionheads! 6 little torts out of Fuzzy FuFu’s Miss Frizz by Fuzzy FuFu’s Noodle.
2019 ARBA Nationals, Dwarf Hotot Open Best of Breed
Youth Dwarf Hotots show sometime this afternoon. Killer is getting needy - and a little feisty.
Woo! Came home to fresh baby Dwarf Hotots today!
HD’s Alice has a litter of two by Nerd Girls’ Eros
Nyberg’s E08 has a litter of five by Percy’s Valentino
More litters due this week 🤞:
Nerd Girls’ Tesseract to Nerd Girls’ Eros
Nerd Girls’ Mrs. Whatsit to Nyberg’s C09
Nerd Girls’ Smooth Criminal to Jeff
Wild Meadows’ Frosting to M an M’s Rewbinator (Jersey Woolies, y’all)
Just a little bath at the 4H meeting last night...
These are two Alice and Snickers' litter - Nerd Girls' Killer and Nerd Girls' Foxy. Their brother, Nerd Girls' Twix is available. PM me for info.
So, I take extremely bad videos, and don't have the fancy barn cam that the zoo does, but here's Gestating Alice munching on some carrot greens. Note the multiple nest boxes lining her cage - she seems to think her nest should go on the cage floor. No, sweetheart, that's not how this works.
Daphne's babies are Wound Up!