Woof and Woo

Woof and Woo Intuitive Dog Training, Healing, Astrology, + Communication

Soulful dog training for Dog Moms who lead with heart. Online & In-Person Services

Cosmic connection + communication with your dog. Online: 1:1 Coaching/Training, Group Programs, Courses, Pet Reiki

In-Person: 1:1 Coaching/Training, Group Classes, Pet Reiki, Board & Train, Day Care, Pet Sitting, Dog Sport Training, Conformation Training

AKC Online Services: Trick Dog Evaluation, Virtual Manners Evaluation, Fit Dog Classes

AKC In-Person: Any Level CGC Evaluation, Trick Dog Evaluation, Fit Dog Classes, ATT Judge, FDC Judge

Hunter's Full Moon in Aries | October 9th, 2022The Full Moon in Aries brings powerful illumination to all of our shadow ...

Hunter's Full Moon in Aries | October 9th, 2022

The Full Moon in Aries brings powerful illumination to all of our shadow sides. This illumination has us and our animals leaning into powerful, primal energy and ready for creation and action!

Pluto stations direct the day before and will open us up to explore our shadow selves, heal trauma, and close old wounds. Venus in Libra gives us the soft, yet strong energy and balance to heal. Aries’ home planet Mars sits in Gemini allowing us to really examine this duality between light and shadow.

🐶 Let your dog explore their primal urges with time to sniff, run, vocalize, and play in a pack. Examine any behaviors that you'd call negative and see if there's a different light to look at them in. (For example, shredding up items they shouldn't? Give them something safe and appropriate to shred instead.) Are you giving them enough time and opportunities to be a dog?

🐱Explore your cat's primal behaviors. Let them use their hunting instincts to chase a mouse toy or laser pointer. Open the curtains and let them watch the birds outside. Provide cat grass for them to chew on. Spend time talking with your feline and let them vocalize back to you.

Embrace the volatile and energizing vibe of this Full Moon in Aries! Head outside to rewild and howl at the moon!

♎ Venus is in Libra from September 29 through October 23.👑 Venus has returned home and we all feel like the Homecoming Q...

♎ Venus is in Libra from September 29 through October 23.

👑 Venus has returned home and we all feel like the Homecoming Queen.

💍 Bring out the fancy collar and leash set. Indulge in a crystal water bottle or crystal collar. Write a poem for your fur baby and read it aloud to them. Any extra effort you put into your connection and communication with your animals will come back to you tenfold in the next few weeks.

💍 Bring out the fancy collar and leash set. Indulge in a crystal water bottle or crystal collar. Write a poem for your fur baby and read it aloud to them. Any extra effort you put into your connection and communication with your animals will return to you tenfold in the next few weeks.

🐶 Cosmic Canines:
- Your dog may have its willpower dialed back as Venus is in Libra making it easier to give in to temptation.
- Be mindful of leaving leftovers close to the counters edge or the shoes they love to chew out in the open.
- Give extra love and treats, but keep your boundaries firm.
- Set up a playdate with their favorite friend.

🐱 Cosmic Felines:
- Indulge your cat with their favorite food in a special dish.
- Giving in to temptation will be easier with our feline friends as well: forbidden nap spots, sneaking outside, or even sneaking left-behind treats on the counter.
- Their routine will sync to the slow and steady Libra which might look like more cat naps than usual or longer snuggle sessions.

How will you and your fur baby enjoy this charming and luxurious season?

It's Libra season, sweet babes. ♎️Our Libra furry friends are sweet, beautiful, and brainy. They crave peace, balance, h...

It's Libra season, sweet babes. ♎️

Our Libra furry friends are sweet, beautiful, and brainy.

They crave peace, balance, harmony, and beauty. Priority number one though is spending quality time with you and keeping you happy.

They are eager to enjoy other's company, both human and animal alike. You might find them trying to keep the peace in your household between the humans or other animal family members.

Your Libra fur baby may get ahead of themselves, which can get them in to trouble when it comes to social interactions, walks, or following household rules. Leaving them out of activities will be more effective discipline than harsh words.

Libra's are lovers, but they're also only happy when they feel fully loved. Help them feel secure and loved because when they don't it can manifest as destructive habits, neediness, separation anxiety, or resource guarding you.

Train your brain BFF in a calm, structured environment with lots of praise and encouragement. They really want to do it right, so be sure to reassure them!

Do you have a Libra fur baby? Drop a 🐶 or 🐱 in the comments. ✨

My 🐕 / 🐈‍⬛ is a…♐️   ♑️   ♒️   ♓️

My 🐕 / 🐈‍⬛ is a…


My 🐕 / 🐈‍⬛ is a…♌️  ♍️  ♎️  ♏️

My 🐕 / 🐈‍⬛ is a…


My 🐕 / 🐈‍⬛ is a…♈️  ♉️  **us♊️   ♋️

My 🐕 / 🐈‍⬛ is a…

♉️ **us

✨ Full Moon in Pisces: Part 2 ✨I just couldn't let this full moon go without a full post. 🌕Wooo, in case Mercury Rx wasn...

✨ Full Moon in Pisces: Part 2 ✨

I just couldn't let this full moon go without a full post. 🌕

Wooo, in case Mercury Rx wasn’t enough. Get ready to be doused in that Pisces Full Moon energy. 💦

Immerse yourself in all that the universe has been trying to give to you. It’s going to feel esoteric and surreal. Let yourself live out that daydream. The loss of control might cause you to panic at first but breathe babe. The Universe isn’t testing you, it’s guiding you.

Let go of those reigns and ride the waves. Let your heart overflow and your cup of desire fill. Amplify what feels good. This full moon brings storybook vibes, what does that happy ending look like? What are your biggest desires for yourself and your animal bestie?

Taking your dog to more places? Being able to leave your dog home alone without worry? More social?

Spending more time with your cat and favorite book?

Let your animal companions live out their own dreamy lives this weekend. Treats, naps, play time, cuddle sessions, whatever indulgence looks like for them.

🐶 You're dog may look like they are literally floating above the ground while they bounce around. Look for the glisten in their eye that tells you they feel loved and fulfilled. For dogs with anxiety issues, this type of energy might feel uncomfortable. Let them know you're there for them and give plenty of reassurance.

🐱Your cat's purring almost sounds like a song today and they have that dreamy half-asleep look in their eyes. Don't be surprised if they're moving slowly through this full moon or if they can't sit still for a second. Either way, they're beaming with enchanting energy.

✨ Our animals are also powerful channels. During the full moon, take time to meditate or reflect with them to connect to your higher self and your ancestors. This Pisces full moon is perfect for tapping into intuition and spirit guidance.

I prepared a whole Pisces full moon post, but I’ll just leave you with this:✨ Enjoy this sweet, sappy Pisces full moon. ...

I prepared a whole Pisces full moon post, but I’ll just leave you with this:

✨ Enjoy this sweet, sappy Pisces full moon. ✨

✨ Mercury Retrograde begins September 9th and lasts through October 2nd. ✨Mercury rules communication, news and informat...

✨ Mercury Retrograde begins September 9th and lasts through October 2nd. ✨

Mercury rules communication, news and information, order and function, and intellect. When Mercury goes retrograde it's a time to reflect on those areas in our lives and our fur babies.

Don’t stress though! Think of it as a time to revisit, review, and revitalize.

Retrograde is good for gaining closure and closing out old open taps.

Mercury starts in obsessive Libra until September 23. Libra is the sign of balance, harmony, and negotiation. Lopsidedness in relationships is about to be outed.

Retrograde will start coming to an end in Virgo on September 24 until October 2. This trip through Virgo can bring out pickiness and perfectionism.

Practice patience and be prepared to extend some grace to your furry friends. The energy shift of retrograde may be hitting them especially hard, especially in the areas of communication and sticking to the routine.

Our dogs will require clear and consistent communication and may struggle more than their feline counterparts during retrograde. Give extra structure and guidance in new or social situations.

Our feline friends will take this time to do some reflections of their own. Don't be surprised if they're the ones breaking routine or changing relationship dynamics with people or animals in their households.

Are you battening down the hatches or ready to reflect this Mercury Rx season?

✨ September 5 - 29 Venus is in Virgo ✨💖 Get ready to be radiant! Venus and Virgo team up to make you and your fur baby f...

✨ September 5 - 29 Venus is in Virgo ✨

💖 Get ready to be radiant! Venus and Virgo team up to make you and your fur baby feel great. Slow down and appreciate the little things. Make play time and walks an act of self-care. Enjoy your fur baby sunning themselves in the ray of light on the floor.

💖 The organizing and clearing energy of Virgo will have you looking at ways you can clean up and improve your relationships, including with your fur babies. Get rid of expired treats, worn out collars, and toys that have seen better days.

💖 “Acts of service” is the love language of Venus in Virgo. Extra snuggle time, a few extra throws of a ball, or a new catnip toy can mean the world to your dog or cat.

🐶 Venus energy is all about attracting, not pursining and Virgo adds practicality and routine. Find an enjoyable rhythm in your routine. You’ll notice that the closer you stick to the routine each day, the better your dog responds. Keep training and play session enjoyable, go for connection over perfection. Let your dog enjoy sniffing and exploring on walks.

🐈‍⬛ Pamper your feline friend! Clean up their spaces, wash their bedding, and deep clean that litter box. They may want to spend more time with you even while you’re doing the everyday tasks, like cooking and cleaning. Let them become part of your routine during this cycle and it will deepen your connection.

Swipe for 🐈‍⬛ 📸.

✨ WAXING QUARTER MOON IN SAGITTARIUS ✨September 3, 2022 brings the waxing quarter moon in Sagittarius. Waxing quarter mo...


September 3, 2022 brings the waxing quarter moon in Sagittarius.

Waxing quarter moons help us solve problems, make tough decisions, handle crises, and fix mistakes.

✨ Reflect on any plans you have coming up, especially regarding travel and education. Keep an open mind and remember that expansion does not look the same for everyone. What seems natural to you may not feel natural or comfortable for your fur baby. Adjust plans before the full moon.

🐶 Your dog may be feeling open-minded to new training strategies, play time change-ups, and travel. Offer extra walks or engagement activities. If you’re already offering a full schedule, give your furry BFF extra time to relax and see what their response is.

🐈‍⬛ Your cat can help you reflect on changes that need to be made in your home and routine. Have they found a new sleeping spot? Are they knocking certain items off your counters? Spending more time staring out the window?

Swipe for the 🐈‍⬛ photo.

Let me know what resonates for you in the comments. 🌗

✨ September 2, 2022 ✨MERCURY-JUPITER OPPOSITIONGet ready for unsolicited opinions because Mercury’s opposition to Jupite...

✨ September 2, 2022 ✨


Get ready for unsolicited opinions because Mercury’s opposition to Jupiter set’s the stage for know-it-all behavior.

Today’s a good day to “trust, but verify.” Take a break from the noise and drama to ground yourself and stay objective.

Your fur baby’s may be feeling extra sassy today and might test you on things that are normally routine.

They might be extra vocal or choose to hang out away from the noise.

Swipe for the 🐈‍⬛ photo.

✨ Coming Soon ✨I see you Cat Moms and I have something coming just for you!Meow + Magic Mondays are coming for all those...

✨ Coming Soon ✨

I see you Cat Moms and I have something coming just for you!

Meow + Magic Mondays are coming for all those cosmic cats out there. ✨🐈‍⬛

What can you look forward to?

💖 Fur Baby Astrology for Cats
✨ Reiki Specials
💕 Card Pulls
✨ Magical Cat Mini-Classes

Be sure to share this with another cat lover, so no one misses out on the magic. 🐈‍⬛✨

This week we’re talking about the first letter of the   : ✨🐾 Balance 🐾 Balance is the foundation to everything we do wit...

This week we’re talking about the first letter of the : ✨

🐾 Balance 🐾

Balance is the foundation to everything we do with our dogs. This includes:

✅ Connection
✅ Communication
✅ Boundaries
✅ Energy Control

I’ve created The Balanced Leash Workbook as an introduction to this important process.

I’m also running a 😍

Anyone who downloads the workbook before 12am EST on Sunday, 9/4/22, will be entered to win a fabulous pet crystal water bottle. ❤️

After you download the workbook, here’s how to get extra entries:

✨ Share this post and tag me.
✨ Join the Cosmic Canine Club Discord server.

The workbook and server link are in the bio. 😉

DM for more info or to ask questions about how balance helps you and your fur baby.

As a dog mom, we can feel a lot of shame and guilt around our dog behavior. Especially when we feel like we are being ju...

As a dog mom, we can feel a lot of shame and guilt around our dog behavior. Especially when we feel like we are being judged by other people.

Dogs are not robots. Yes, there are highly obedient, task trained dogs, but that’s not the norm when it comes to our dogs being our companions.

Your connection and communication are more important to you and your fur baby’s well being that performing tasks with robot-like precision. ❤️🐾

Its’s Virgo season babes and time to celebrate our vibey Virgo fur babies. ♍️🐾 Our mutable water sign pups are flexible ...

Its’s Virgo season babes and time to celebrate our vibey Virgo fur babies. ♍️

🐾 Our mutable water sign pups are flexible and adaptable, which let’s the experience new situations with ease as long as there’s structure.

✨ Extremely social, but not needy. They love to serve others. Virgo dogs make excellent therapy, service, and working dogs.

💕 The Canine Good Citizen of the Zodiac: well-behaved, intelligent, even tempered, and loves a good grooming and stylish collar or accessories.

♍️ As masters of communication, Virgo puppers are able to communicate with their guardians through looks, body language, and non-vocal cues. They’re also able to recognize their guardians non-verbal cues and body language.

🐾 These intelligent furry BFFs are also prone to stress and anxiety without enough mental stimulation. Be sure to give them plenty of exercise, puzzle toys, or play games with them.

✨ Virgo rules over the abdomen, spleen, and digestive system. You might notice your Virgo friends stomach is more sensitive and is upset easily by stress. These pups are also more likely to be picky eaters.

Do you have a Virgo fur baby? Let me know in the comments. ♍️


Lion’s Gate Portal activates 8/8. 🦁

This powerful energy portal is open for potent manifesting thanks to the alignment of the Sun in Leo, the Star Sirius, Orion’s Belt, and the Earth.

Feelings of love, generosity, leadership, and creativity will be amplified.

✨ How have you been leading your dog? How has your dog been leading you?

✨ This is the time for new beginnings and massive shifts. Start a new training program. Set new boundaries. Redefine your connection.

✨ Expand & connect with your dog by opening up your heart to them and they’ll respond with the same.

✨ Journal Prompt: What are you calling in for you and your furbaby for the rest of the year?

The Woo Woo Box is doing a giveaway for their August box! ✨

The Woo Woo Box is doing a giveaway for their August box! ✨

August Box Giveaway by The Woo Woo Box. Hosted by KingSumo Giveaways

It’s finally Leo season. ✨🦁Leo dogs love affection and to be in the spotlight. They’re natural born leaders and win over...

It’s finally Leo season. ✨🦁

Leo dogs love affection and to be in the spotlight. They’re natural born leaders and win over their humans with charm and confidence.

Commanding and magnetic this may come through as stubborn and can be labeled as “difficult to train.”

They’re also not immune to the human Leo characteristics of laziness and aggressiveness.

Leo dogs love challenges and hate performing obedience tasks “just because.”

Do you have a Leo fur baby? Let me know in the comments. ♌️

✨ Venus in Cancer ✨As we head into Leo season, Cancer energy is not quite done with us yet. Venus arrived in Cancer July...

✨ Venus in Cancer ✨

As we head into Leo season, Cancer energy is not quite done with us yet. Venus arrived in Cancer July 17 and will be making her bed of flowers there until August 11.

You and your furry BFF may be feeling waves of softness and tenderness. Venus in Cancer brings us feelings of connection, coziness, and homeyness.

Indulge yourself and curl up with you fur baby and favorite romcom or embrace the feelings of nostalgia and take them on a walk in your favorite childhood park.

Your pup may be feeling the need to stay in their coziest spots or be craving some extra connection.

Spend some time nurturing yourself and your dog. ✨

Our dogs are more sensitive and in tune with energy than we are. This is why I recommend crystals for both you and your ...

Our dogs are more sensitive and in tune with energy than we are. This is why I recommend crystals for both you and your furry BFF.

Sodalite is a beautiful blue mineral with veins of white. Tied to the third eye chakra, it’s known for its ability to enhance communication.

For Dog Moms, this crystal is great for mental clarity, enhanced intuition, and encourages speaking your truth.

The helpfulness of Sodalite extends to our Fur Babies too:

✨ Balance emotions and help calm hyperactivity.
✨ Mental clarity during training sessions.
✨ Confidence boost and raise self-esteem.

Rose Quartz + Your Fur Baby 🌹✨Rose quartz is one of my favorite crystals for dogs!This crystal is known as a love stone ...

Rose Quartz + Your Fur Baby 🌹✨

Rose quartz is one of my favorite crystals for dogs!

This crystal is known as a love stone and can help open up your dogs heart chakra. The loving energy from this crystal can also speed up bonding.

When it comes to Inner Puppy Healing, there’s no better crystal than rose quartz. It helps release previous trauma stuck in your dogs body, is know to have healing properties, and eases muscle tension.

Rose quartz is water safe so you can make a crystal elixir to add to their water bowl, place a stone near their sleeping area or crate, or even buy your fur baby a rose quartz collar.

Crystal information is for reference only. Keep crystals in places safe from accidental eating.

✨ CAPRICORN SUPERMOON ✨Our full Supermoon will be Capricorn tomorrow, July 13th. If you and your fur baby have been ridi...


Our full Supermoon will be Capricorn tomorrow, July 13th.

If you and your fur baby have been riding a sea of emotion, Capricorn is about to help you turn the tide and start to thrive.

Big sea goat energy is going to help open your eyes to the true nature of your emotions, break up power struggles, and give you confidence to take charge and float away from what no longer serves you.

What’s that mean for you and your dog?

It’s time to break out of old patterns with your fur baby that you’ve been making excuse for. Lean into how you’ve really been feeling and communicate your boundaries with your dog and that friend that doesn’t know when your dog is saying no.

We’re deep in the throws of Cancer season. Some of us are riding the waves while others may be in a sea of emotions. You...

We’re deep in the throws of Cancer season.

Some of us are riding the waves while others may be in a sea of emotions.

Your furbaby may also be riding the emotional waves and looking for some extra connection. Your dog may be feeling extremely praise motivated, if they’re normally treat motivated.

Embrace sentimental feelings and use them to inspire the stir of adventure. The connection it brings will resonate for both of you.

How does it feel when you go on a walk with your furry BFF? 🐾Relaxing and at ease? Or anxious about what might be down t...

How does it feel when you go on a walk with your furry BFF? 🐾

Relaxing and at ease? Or anxious about what might be down the street? Maybe frustrated about being pulled or chasing after every squirrel?

The leash is an energy highway between you and your dog. You’re constantly communicating with each other through your energy.

The Balanced Leash framework was created for Dog Moms looking for more communication and connection with their fur babies.

Find out more when you download the free workbook. Link is in the bio, but you can also copy/paste:


Our dogs are a mirror. 🪞What are you projecting on to your furry BFF?✨ Stuck emotions? Anger, sadness, frustration. Thes...

Our dogs are a mirror. 🪞

What are you projecting on to your furry BFF?

✨ Stuck emotions? Anger, sadness, frustration. These are the biggest ones I see. It often comes from familial patterns of how our childhood dogs were treated.

✨ Expectations of behavior? Often times we hold our dogs up to expectations that we haven’t communicated. While dogs are magical, they can’t meet expectations that we haven’t set.

✨ Expectations of personality? Every dog is an individual regardless of breed. Certain characteristics can be predicted by breed, but not overall personality.

What is your doggy mirror showing you? Let me know in the comments or DM. 🐾

We’ve heard about inner child healing, but what about inner puppy healing? hosted a masterclass that got me thinking abo...

We’ve heard about inner child healing, but what about inner puppy healing?

hosted a masterclass that got me thinking about the ways inner child healing and dog training interconnect.

“Ok wtf does inner child healing have to do with me training my dog?”

✨ Part of the big picture when
working with our dogs is to
keep in mind their past
trauma. Dogs also store trauma in their bodies. Their emotions and energy can get stuck in a loop.

✨ Questions to consider:

Where did they come from?
Breeder or rescue?
Was it an ethical or a backyard
breeder, or a puppy mill?

Were they abused?
Were they socialized?
Did they have a previous traumatic
event tied to a stimulus?

✨ What was your relationship like with your dog before you started your training journey? Before you knew better?

Traveling when you have dogs can feel overwhelming. 😬I know several people that won’t travel because they don’t want to ...

Traveling when you have dogs can feel overwhelming. 😬

I know several people that won’t travel because they don’t want to leave their dogs. 👀

I’ve been there babe. I’ve spent more time worrying about my dogs at home than enjoying vacation. It doesn’t have to feel stressful, overwhelming, or impossible to travel when you have fur babies.

Creating and strengthening boundaries, connection, and communication with your furry BFF can ease stress on both of you when you travel.

✨ Boundaries help your dog stay calm and safe when you’re not around. They know those boundaries exist even when they’re home alone or with a pet sitter.

✨ Connection means you know what your fur baby needs when you’re away to stay comfortable and they know you’re always going to return.

✨ Communication allows you to set your pet sitter up for success while you’re away. It gives them the in when it comes to taking of your dog.

Of course you could always travel with your dog, but that’s another post. 😉

Happy July Dog Moms!✨ While some of us may be avoiding Independence Day celebrations, you and your dog can still celebra...

Happy July Dog Moms!

✨ While some of us may be avoiding Independence Day celebrations, you and your dog can still celebrate being sovereign beings! Find a dog friendly beach or park, pack snacks and water, and go on an adventure!

✨ Be prepared to take care of your dogs emotional health on the 4th if they’re bothered by fireworks or other loud noises.

✨ Pluto is acting up on July 1 and 19. On the 1st, your dog could be displaying obsessive or stubborn behaviors as Pluto squares with Mars. On the 19th, Pluto is opposite the sun which could come with short tempers for you and your pup. Use the amped energy on both dates to transform areas of your connection that need some TLC.

✨ July 13th brings the Capricorn Supermoon. Capricorn is the sign of long term goals, so check in on any training goals you’ve set or align to new ones.

✨ Leo season begins July 22. Get ready to have your mood lifted and your fur baby’s spirits raised! Your passions will feel lit and it’s time to lean in to happiness. Take a self care day with your furry BFF in tow.


Lakeland, FL


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