Fun at Woodloch Fall Derby 2021! Ava & Kendra made it safely around a very tough, terrain-filled 2'3" course (Ava got 2nd & Kendra 4th!) while Brynn and Kendall made 2' course look easy with Kendall scoring 2nd and Brynn 3rd on a career best dressage score of 29.4! But possibly the best performance of the entire day was Will piloting baby Roscoe around his course - he wasn't sure what to think of this whole eventing thing but made it to the finish line! Thanks Jillian & Kaela for helping, Kaela for this edit, and to all the lovely parents & grandparents (& and siblings from Philly!) who came to Woodloch
cheer then on 💕
Silverwood Fall Horse Trials 2021 was another successful Beall Equestrian team weekend.
Ava, Dreams, Rachel, and Sera completed their first horse trials and both placed 2nd in their divisions!
Meaghan, Fiona, Jillian and Lego successfully moved up to BN!
And Kaela and Savannah finished their 3rd successful outing at the BN level. These girls have put in a lot of hard work over the last many months and it shows.
Kaela & Savannah WON their BN debut with clear jump rounds and an impressive 29.8 dressage score at Catalpa Corner Charity Horse Trials 7/31-8/1/21. Avery & Charlie also finished BN in the ribbons after a solid weekend, as did the birthday pair Jillian & Lego (aka Little Man) who got to do their first victory gallop 🐎 And congrats to Rachel, our new Spoons Champion! 🥄
Mother's Day weekend dressage ride-a-test was a big success. The ponies really strutted their stuff! Riders gained experience while receiving helpful feedback from our judge. A big thank you to Heather for coming out, and to all the mother's who rode and/or supported their riders this weekend <3 One step closer to show season 🥳
Conditioning the Sport Horse with Laurie Beall