IT'S HOT OUT THERE! Heat and/or humidity can lead to heat stress or heat stroke in our pets. Tips to keep pets (and people) safe this summer:
1. Know the signs of heat stroke. Dogs may exhibit excessive panting, drooling, bright red gums, unsteadiness, or collapse. Cats can be more subtle; you may only see panting or open-mouth breathing. If you think your pet may be showing signs, seek veterinary attention immediately! See this link for first aid tips while you seek medical care: https://veterinarypartner.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=19239&id=4951333
2. Applying cool water to the belly or feet can help cool your pet. We do not recommend applying ice or ice water to a hot pet.
3. Keep your pets indoors as much as possible during the day. Take longer walks or exercise early in the morning or in the evening.
4. If your pets will be outside, make sure they have lots of shade and fresh water. Have a kiddie swimming pool in your yard so your dog can soak.
5. The streets and sidewalks are hot too! Walk your dog on grass if possible. Avoid extended walks on hot concrete or asphalt.
6. Check out the HeatRisk tool. This website helps identify dangerous heat conditions for people based on factors such as heat, humidity, and time of year. For more information, go to https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/heatrisk/