We have super exciting news!!! 🤩
Two of our dogs that I believed would live out their lives here at Paw Parent got adopted.
First Tom, our senior Chihuahua with diabetes. A couple in Washington fell in love with his profile online and wanted to give him his forever home. He now naps on heated blankets and is being spoiled rotten. 😍
Then shortly after Shorty, our 13 year old Pitbull, found his forever home with an elderly woman and her son.
We were contacted a few months ago by a writer who is employed by Rocky Kanaka, who wanted to give Shorty a chance in finding his forever home by writing an article about him for Rocky Kanaka’s newsletter.
Well, it worked!!!🥳
After it was published it took a while, but then all of a sudden, we were getting flooded with inquiries about him. His new family turned out to be the best match. They live in Gardnerville , NV and since I had to drive to Reno at the end of January anyway, which took me smack through Gardnerville, I was able to hand deliver Shorty myself.
Shorty’s story is especially touching since he had spend 11 years of his life in a kennel environment. He was found as a stray when he was about 2 years old and taken in by Pooch Heaven where he spend his next seven years. He was 9 years old when Pooch Heaven closed in 2020 after which he came to us at Paw Parent.
We took him to every adoption event and gave him his best shot to get adopted, but the right fit just never materialized. He needs to be the only pet and most people interested in him had other pets or the living situation wasn’t what Shorty deserved.
But now, thanks to the helping hand of Rocky Kanaka and his crew, Shorty is living his best life. 🥳
Here is what his new mom is saying about him:
“We love Shorty. He is just the sweetest doggie I have met in a long time. Loves to be petted and meet new people. Enjoys his new bed. Eats like a vacuum. Doing quite well with the house training. I take him out every hour and of course he always has access to the outside through the doggie doors. He has investigated everything, and I do mean everything, that is in the house. That includes the inside of cupboards if one happens to be open. I’ve removed anything that can be broken in these investigations so minimum collateral damage.
He loves his stuffies and carries them with him everywhere. He and I share my house slippers. When I’m not wearing them, they become his. Have learned that he will not give up something that he has stolen to chew on. So, I trade chicken jerky for his treasure.”
These kind of stories make our days and brighten up the difficult and dark sides of rescue.
Thank you again Rocky Kanaka for going out of your way to find homes for dogs that have had a hard time finding their perfect match. 🙏❤️
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