And they called it puppy love....
Do you have questions about how to care for your pup? Give us a call at (864) 895-8091 and we can provide you with more personalized care.
What are your cat's 'purrfurred' foods/treats? Let us know in the comments below!
For all matters big and small regarding your pet, contact us today at (864) 895-8091.
The cat righting reflex is how cats’ bodies naturally right themselves during a fall. Since cats have no collarbones and extremely flexible spines, they use their superior vestibular (inner ear/balance) systems to figure out which way is up. Once the head is oriented in the right direction, the rest of the body twists to follow suit.
For all your cat's health needs, schedule an appointment with us at (864) 895-8091.
Do you want to hear a funny cat dad joke?
Ever notice your kitty scratching around on the carpet or other furniture? There are actually a few reasons as to why cats scratch the objects they do! They do this to sharpen their claws, exercise, mark their territory, or simply get your attention. The next time you wonder why your kitty is scratching everything but their scratcher, refer back to these few facts!
With the increase of animal-friendly supplements and medications available on the market, it's ever so vital to ensure the ingredients of these products. Contact us with any questions regarding your pet's wellbeing.
In honor of the famous Halloween saying “Trick or Treat,” we thought it would be good to not trick but give your dogs a tasty treat on “Treat Your Pet Day.”
Cat behavior may seem totally random to us, but there is a method to the madness. For example, cats release low meows when they are irritated or ready to defend themselves. If your cat kneads you, it means they feel comfortable around you. Contrarily, when a cat twitches his ears, it means he is agitated or feeling anxious. Contact us if you notice any unfamiliar behavior from your furry companion!
Pets provide us with an influx of positive energy that is truly indescribable. Specifically, there are four important ways that pets provide positive energy that all pet owners should be thankful for. Make sure to reciprocate their love by keeping them happy and healthy!
Appreciating our techs today!! We work hard to make sure your babies are taken care of!
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To all our dog dads, we’d like to raise a paw and wish you a happy Father’s Day!