Some breakthroughs and lovely, thoughtful riding today. Early morning and late evening ride times helped keep horses and riders comfortable. Could you use some riding direction?
I was an almost complete failure videotaping with the Pivo today in my lesson w Susannah West Cord, but look at the walk we had at the end. 😊 Susannah is good for me as she invites me to be even more intentional. #keeplearning
Working on balancing canter with Elaine today. Nice job!
Quality canter is everything. Lucy Hooper on Sammy
Momo Weatherby’s lovely young mare on a pretty day at Hill n’ Dale Farm.
Suki Weatherby being a star. 😊
Lucy Hooper and Sammy doing grids 🤓
Well done, Carol-Ann Marty!
Grids Class
Field Day @ Spring Valley Farm
Arena irrigation is so pretty! 🤗
Lol, I need to get better with the opening image! The Hack n’ Chat topic today is jumping position in the last three strides before the fence.