Judy and Palo
Please welcome Judy and her lovely Friesian cross, 8 yr old Palo. I think a lot of riders can identify with Judy’s history. A decade ago, she was in full training, riding and competing at fourth level on her other horse. Last year, unexpected and significant surgeries have resulted in a loss of core strength and timing. Palo became available before she could return to riding, and well, she said to me, “I know it’s ridiculous to buy a horse when you can’t even ride yet,’ I fully understood because as a horsewoman, we need something to look forward to. We need that motivation and inspiration to get back our mojo. Judy is dedicated and with the exception of bad weather, she’s out there either riding or longeing. Palo is green for his age but I think he is absolutely chock full of talent: three quality gaits, and a super brain. In fact, I told Judy had she not bought him and had I known about him, I would have bought him! And so our game plan for him is to get him to let go of that big Friesian neck and begin working over his back, which has been pretty locked up and tight. In the times I have ridden him I have found him to be very smart and very willing. What a great team they make, and I’m so appreciative that Judy is letting me share her journey with us on this page.
Janice and Maddie
So many weather/work related days off, and we could only use half of Janice’s arena, but the feeling of riding Maddie into the outside rein is beginning to take hold. Great job, Janice!
Dinner bell
The residents of Assisted Living coming in for dinner. That doesn’t include Donna!
Janice and Mattie
Can we all give a little cheer for Janice? This Boomer rider has worked SO hard to get where she is and today that elusive feel of connection all started coming together. Really proud of them both!
Winter day stretch
A bit of a repost as so many are experiencing a really challenging winter. If conditions are such that you can’t ride, it’s OK— horses don’t forget their training (we might, but they don’t!😁) but what they can lose is suppleness/flexibility, especially if weather is too severe for turn out. And so if, as in this video, 1/3 of the arena was too frozen/hard to use, a few minutes of stretching and suppling will do wonders in maintaining the health and flexibility of your horse’s tendons/ligaments/joints. It also simply feels good to them!
Hack day
After a super session, a hack as a reward
Pam and Mattie
At the beginning of Janice’s lesson today, I hopped on Mattie for a quick warm up and then some walk/trot/walk transitions to help strengthen as well as help her to think more forward. I love how she really pushes off behind and tries.
Janice had 3 lessons in a row this week which is so useful in creating muscle memory so that that elusive ‘feel’ isn’t lost so readily. She really ‘rode’ today with more assertion and confidence. Great job!
One more thing…
Like Columbo, ‘Just one more thing…’ 😂