Did you know the average hours of each applicate to Kansas State University Veterinary School had 1609 hours of experience with a veterinarian before applying to vet school. They had 1635 hours of experience with animals outside of a vet clinic.
Do you want to apply to Vet School in the future you will need hours with a veterinarian!! Come work for us.
We also take volunteers that need to get hours of experience at a Vet Clinic for Vet School or Vet Tech School.
Stop by to get all the details!!
Frick Veterinary Services
1112 K-19 Hwy South
Larned, KS 67550
Dr. Christina Frick, DVM
Kennel/Veterinary Assistant Needed For OUR TEAM
Frick Veterinary Services is looking for a High School/ College employee who is hard working, good work ethic, not afraid to get dirty, and loves animals. Looking for motivated, possible going into veterinary field and need hours of experience with a veterinarian, good people skills, and reliability of showing up to work.
Job Description: Walking Dogs, Feed Animals, Clean cages/runs, Clean up after animals, Assist with Restraint of animals for exams, Assist with Summer Shears, Cleaning of building and equipment, able to answer phones and computer work and other tasks asked of employee. Will teach some Vet assistant jobs and tasks depending on animal experience. Can work independent and be responsible for animals and care of a business building.
Times/ Hours: After School (about 3:30- 5:30 PM), weekends (Saturday and Sunday), and after hours night shifts walking, On No School Days/ Breaks may work on those days, School Year hours about 10 hours a week.
During Summer- part-time alternating days. Summer 35 hours a week. Must work weekends on alternating schedule. Can be full-time or part time hours.
Requirements: Must be 16 and able to drive to work. Will consider Farm Permit youth 14 years old if you can get to work by driving or with a parent help of time commitment. There are night and weekend working times. Must be able to work on Saturdays rotations. Must be able to lift 50 # animals and food bags. Animal experience is nice but not required. Will train the right person to clean up after animals.
Salary- Depends on age of employee, animal experience and retail/computer/client care experience.
Start Date- June 2024
Pick up application at Frick Vet, Return application with a completed Resume.