1: We are calling on all Oath Keepers who can possibly get here to come to the Bundy Ranch to serve as volunteers on an ongoing, rotating watch.
That is not because there is any great emergency, but is a preventative measure - sort of like doing a rotation on the DMZ.
On Saturday, April 19, we w ill have speakers (such as Mike Vanderboegh of the Three Percenters) and then we will follow in the foosteps of the Founding generation by renewing our oaths at approximately 6pm. What better place to do that than where brave Americans just kept their oaths and continue to keep their oaths in such a profound and moving way.
I invite you to join us there, both to do your duty, and to honor our forefathers and every American who has fought for this nation, from Lexington Green to today, as we celebrate our liberty that has been won for us and preserved for us, at such great cost.
NOTE: There is also a cowboy barbeque being thrown Friday night, April 18, by the Bundy family down by the river near their ranch. The Bundy's will provide the food and live music, with the first band going on at 6pm. All you need to do is show up. Ammon Bundy told me that you are welcome to bring your families, and are welcome to camp there. So, this is not just about standing watch. This is also about fellowship, family, and enjoying the land the Bundy family has been caring for for generations.
2: A rotating vigil of state legislators and current serving sheriffs at the ranch. This second part of our plan is a continuation of what we've already been doing. Oath Keepers helped facilitate a number of legislators from several Western States traveling to the Bundy Ranch this past week. Sheriff Mack's Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA.org) helped ensure that some real-deal constitutional Sheriffs were also present on the side of the Bundy family.
NOTE: First, at the moment things are quiet here. 99% of the rumors on the internet are either blatantly false or wildly inaccurate. No strong presence of federal agents has been seen. Remnants of BLM's recent sojourn here are still present, such as the lights they had put up at their "field-head…