Nico is our newest Nip n Tuck Recipient. He was such a brave boy when he turned in his man parts. May Nico live a long and loved life. Welcome to the Club Baby
#nipntuckcampaign #spayandneuteryourdamnpets #urbanunderdogslv #spayandneuteristhesolution #SpayandNeuterAwareness
Nico is our newest Nip n Tuck Recipient. He was so brave when he turned in his man parts. Welcome to the club baby!!
#urbanunderdogslv #nipntuckclub #nipntuckcampaign #spayandneuteryourdamnpets #spayandneutersaveslives
Feel the beautiful energy, feel the love, feel the passion, feel the endless hope of helping them all, feel the never ending hope of saving them all. These are our people......and they are magnificent. Best Friends Network Partners
Matteo is our Newest Nip n Tuck Recipient. Although he is missing a couple of parts, that doesn't take away from his handsomeness. Please raise your paws for Mr. Matteo.
#fireworkssuck #fireworkssuckfordogs #fireworkssuckforcats #fireworkssuckforanimals #fireworksareselfish #respectanimals #thinkofsomethingelse #thinkofsomeoneelse #getalife #justdontdoit #firehazzard
Let's raise our paws for Brave and Beautiful Twin Twin, as we welcome her into the Nip n Tuck Club. She turned in her girl parts yesterday and according to mom is doing great.
#urbanunderdogslv #spayandneuteryourdamnpets #spayandneuteristhesolution #spayneuter #nipntuckclub
Meet Dora the hiking explorer and our newest Nip n Tuck recipient. Let's give her a round of Appaws.
Meet Bruizer our Newest Nip n Tuck Recipient. He is such a handsome boy. His dad sent us these pictures tonight and said
"And thank you for helping me out! Took a huge load off my chest. ❤️"
#SpayandNeuterAwareness #urbanunderdogslv #nipntuckrecipient #petoverpopulation #HelpingThoseInNeed #nonprofitorganization #EverybodyIsSomebody
"Plant Guide for Pet Owners"
It's that time of the year again, so we thought we would share this Plant Guide for Pet Owners.
A few days ago we introduced you to Annabella. She turned in her girl parts yesterday and got her Nip n Tuck surgery. Her mom and dad are houseless but geographies don't matter cause they love this little love bug. Here she is sporting her Cone of Fame. Special thanks to Sahara Pines Animal Hospital and Ashley Carr with Everybody is Somebody for partnering with Urban Underdogs and helping us Take Care of Business #TCB
#SpayandNeuterAwareness #spayandneuteryourpets #nipntuckrecipient #urbanunderdogs #EverybodyIsSomebody #saharapinesanimalhospital