Due to unforeseen circumstances in his life, a young pup who we named Captain Bubba came to us in 2016. A gentler, sillier, and sweeter puppy we have not seen. He was adopted by a loving family and renamed Loui. He then spent many years receiving the love and care that every dog deserves. He was stubborn and playful and loyal to his core. He was treated for a thyroid issue years ago. A few years back, he developed a seizure disorder and has now earned his wings because the meds no longer were able to calm /control the episodes. His family says, "He was the goodest boy and we miss him," with which we wholeheartedly agree. You were so loved Loui. Every dog deserves a life like yours. Many blessings and comfort to his family. Kisses to your wet nose and belly rubs forever, baby boy.