Dobie is almost a 6 yrs old Dachshund mix and weighs about 25 lbs. His adopter is moving so he is being returned after 5 yrs. He is housebroken in his home and also crate trained. He lived with children ages 4 yrs and up. He is good with other dogs, but will need a slow introduction as he is scared of them at first.
πΎ Our adoption and donation center is open every Saturday & Sunday 10am - 4 pm
232 N. Jones #170, Las Vegas, NV
Check out available pups and make donations right on our website: apath4paws. org
Bring your entire family, dogs included, for a meet n greet. Renters must bring your lease agreement and must be 21 to adopt.
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πΎ Our adoption and donation center is open every Saturday & Sunday 10am - 4 pm
232 N. Jones #170, Las Vegas, NV
Check out available pups and make donations right on our website: apath4paws. org
Bring your entire family, dogs included, for a meet n greet. Renters must bring your lease agreement and must be 21 to adopt.
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