Fancy, a two year old ewe, holds the record for the most fleece color changes. She was born a dark chocolate brown with white markings. Within a few months she was a mauve brown. After a few more months her close to body fleece was gray. At a year old she was tan with gray tips. Her current color is oatmeal with a creamy ivory color close to her skin. I am hoping her fleece doesn't become too light in color because it will diminish the appearance of her facial markings.
Fancy is not a cuddly sheep. She allows a quick pat on her face but refuses any ear or chin scratches. During the summer she developed a taste for peppermint treats which she gently takes before she steps away out of reach.
She is scheduled for shearing this spring. The wool on her neck and chest is too matted for spinning. This wool will make good mulch around the garden plants. On any sheep the wool from the chest, stomach, and lower hips is too dirty and matted for spinning but it is perfect for unusual applications such as mulch, erosion control, and planter filler. Layered in a planter the wool adds nutrients, retains moisture and creates a medium that supports strong root systems.
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