L and L Dog Training will be offering our next session of classes in Puppy, Puppy Plus/Manners, Foundations of Obedience I, Foundations of Obedience II, Foundations of Obedience III, Advanced Obedience/Rally, Rodeo Dog/Speedway, and Advanced Scent Work.
The next session will begin the week of March 31, 2025. Descriptions of classes are found in the linked registration below.
Additional classes may be added to the existing schedule based upon demand.
To reserve a spot, or to express interest in any class, please email Linda Bowman at [email protected].
The cost for the class session is reduced by $10 IF you register by the date listed on the attached registration form. You MUST register (mail completed registration form with payment) to guarantee your spot in a class.
Note: Drop-ins for Advanced Obedience/Rally Class only; the cost for a drop-in is $20 per night, and is dependent on class size.
We hope to hear from you soon, and see you next session!
Linda, Chuck, Marlene, Agatha, Sally, Cheryl, Kitty, Michelle Y., & Michelle C.