Lauren's Wing The Fund for Animal Care

Lauren's Wing The Fund for Animal Care Please know that 100% of all donations to Lauren's Wing are used for surgeries and post-surgical care for the animals.

Honoring the memory of Lauren Thompson, Lauren’s Wing provides gravely ill or injured animals needed finances to receive extraordinary lifesaving care through Action for Animals Humane Society, giving them a second chance at a happy and healthy life. Honoring the memory of Lauren Thompson, Lauren’s Wing: The Fund for Animal Care provides gravely ill or injured shelter animals needed finances to re

ceive extraordinary lifesaving care through Action for Animals Humane Society, giving them a second chance at a happy and healthy life. No deductions are made for any administrative costs. Lauren's Wing is a completely volunteer-supported fund.

Update from TANK!Today was a big day for me! I got to ditch my cone because my stitches were coming out!😁 I am in great ...

Update from TANK!
Today was a big day for me! I got to ditch my cone because my stitches were coming out!😁
I am in great spirits and had no problem adjusting to life on 3 legs. Now, there is one more hurdle for me. In approximately a week, I will follow AFA protocol and be neutered before the “Forever home” search can begin.
If anyone out there is thinking of adding a sweet little guy into their loving home, please keep me in mind!❤️I would like nothing more than to meet you in person someday soon.

A TANK update! I had my surgery Friday and Shelter Manager Lu came this weekend to transport me back home at the AFA she...

A TANK update!
I had my surgery Friday and Shelter Manager Lu came this weekend to transport me back home at the AFA shelter.

My surgery was a rough one but I am doing well. The standard procedure of neutering while I was already under anesthesia was aborted due to the longer than expected surgery time.

I really appreciate all the wonderful care I am receiving. The AFA staff are very kind and gentle. I couldn’t be in a better place!❤️

Thank you to all the compassionate people
who support the Lauren’s Wing fund. Without you, I don’t know what would have happened to me. I can recover knowing a better life awaits me thanks to all of you!
Check back for more of my story!
XOXO ❤️🐾Tank

An update on Marbles and meet Tank!Pictures of Tank below! 👇👇Note from Marbles: I had surgery scheduled for July. Just b...

An update on Marbles and meet Tank!
Pictures of Tank below! 👇👇

Note from Marbles:
I had surgery scheduled for July. Just before the procedure, the Doctor noticed my breathing was labored. As a precaution, an
X-Ray was taken that showed a collapsed lung. The surgery was aborted and cage rest for several weeks recommended for me.
I am making progress and will soon have my lung reevaluated to make certain the surgery will be safe. In the meantime, I am getting friendlier with the kind people providing me with great care! ❤️
Xoxo Marbles 🐾

Meet TANK!
With a name like TANK, you might get the impression I am a mighty big guy! So you could be in for a surprise if you meet me in person because I am a Chihuahua and beagle/terrier(?) mix. My personality is super chill and sweet!
A West VA Shelter sent AFA manager Lu an Xray of my hip asking if Lauren’s Wing could help. The injury was never treated in the past so I don’t use my leg anymore.
I am proud to be the 90th recipient of the Lauren’s Wing Fund. The next chapter of my story will include surgery, post op care and a search for a family who will provide the love and care I deserve.
Check for updates soon!
With a grateful heart!

Sure to make you smile 😃 - a day in the life of AFA and Lauren’s Wing alum Eugene!As you can see, I have become quite th...

Sure to make you smile 😃 - a day in the life of AFA and Lauren’s Wing alum Eugene!

As you can see, I have become quite the busy little fellow since my adoption! A day in my life ranges from working at my desk at OSU, traveling to rabbit shows where I am the unofficial judge that hands out trophies, traveling and spreading laughs and joy as I eagerly supervise everything in my site!

XOXO, ❤️Eugene
P.S. If there are any other Lauren’s Wing recipients that would like to share an update and photos, please send them along. We would all LOVE to hear from you! 💕💝

Meet Marbles! I am just a little kitty who managed to get myself into some major trouble over the weekend. I may have be...

Meet Marbles!
I am just a little kitty who managed to get myself into some major trouble over the weekend. I may have been on the run from all the scary fireworks but no one knows for certain and I am not telling! I ended up at BARC rescue, who decided to call shelter manager Lu asking if Lauren’s Wing could help a kitty with a badly injured leg. The “Absolutely!” response has given me hope! My surgery is scheduled for the 15th. Unfortunately, after initial exams the Drs don’t think my leg can be saved. But I am a young one and will transition to life on 3 legs if need be. I am just very grateful to everyone who supports Lauren’s Wing! Your generosity and kindness is something I will be forever grateful for!

❤️❤️❤️ XOXO Marbles

A surprise visit! 🐾Remember me???? I am Liam, the 37th recipient of the Lauren’s Wing Fund. (2018) I surprised everyone ...

A surprise visit! 🐾

Remember me???? I am Liam, the 37th recipient of the Lauren’s Wing Fund. (2018)
I surprised everyone recently when I stopped by AFA for a visit. As you can tell from my photos, I am happy, healthy and couldn’t have found a more wonderful family to share my life with!

And speaking of family, I left the shelter that afternoon with a brand new sister puppy! 💝 Yay, let the good times roll!

XO XO Liam 🐾❤️❤️

A Fluff Update! It was double the cuteness at AFA today as I found my Family and have been officially adopted!  I couldn...

A Fluff Update!

It was double the cuteness at AFA today as I found my Family and have been officially adopted!

I couldn’t be happier or more grateful to my new Family and all who support AFA &Lauren’s Wing! Thank you for fixing my heart - It has healed and I now have a lot of love to share!


News from Rodney!🎉It’s been almost 6 months since I was found wondering in Fayette County.  I went from alone, scared an...

News from Rodney!🎉

It’s been almost 6 months since I was found wondering in Fayette County. I went from alone, scared and starving to the AFA shelter where gentle hearts encouraged me to eat and trust again. It took a few months, but by December I was ready for surgery to remove a deformed front leg. It’s been a lot for me, but all the kind people I met along my journey gave me hope I could find someone to love me.

My dreams have come true! Here is a photo of me meeting my “people” and my new canine sibling for the first time, We got along splendidly.

So, the long awaited day to officially announce my adoption has arrived. ❤️💕Here I am leaving the shelter with my beautiful new family.

With a grateful heart to all the people who support Lauren’s Wing and AFA. We did it! Thanks for giving me a second chance to experience a loving home with my awesome new family!

Your 84th recipient, Rodney❤️💕❤️🎊

Meet Jax!Good morning Friends! My name is Jax and I will be Lauren’s Wing 89th recipient. I am approximately 2 1/2 years...

Meet Jax!

Good morning Friends! My name is Jax and I will be Lauren’s Wing 89th recipient. I am approximately 2 1/2 years old.

I live in West VA and was introduced to Lauren’s Wing through B.A.R.C. ( Boone County Rescue Coalition.)

My troubles began when I made the foolish decision to run across the road. You can probably guess, I didn’t quite make it. My hind leg suffered a complex break. Fortunately, that was my only injury, there are no other wounds or road rash.

I am at CrossLane Veterinary Hospital where I am being kept comfortable while awaiting surgery. I am not sure my leg will be able to be saved, but I know the best of care awaits me thanks to all who support Lauren’s Wing and AFA. ❤️

Please check back for updates as I will travel to AFA after my surgery is complete and I am comfortable enough to make the trip.

THANK YOU for coming to my rescue!

We have been waiting a long time to share this photo-meet, River! ❤️It’s taken an army of people and some divine interve...

We have been waiting a long time to share this photo-meet, River! ❤️

It’s taken an army of people and some divine intervention to get me where I am today. This photo is at Ohio State this week as I await a release date. The pin and plate in both hind legs are doing well and my deep open wounds have almost completely healed. Yes, there were setbacks but I knew my future would be too special to give up the fight!

OSU provided daily update progress calls to AFA. They shared what a “one in a million” dog I was, and how I had won the hearts of Doctors and Staff. So much so, that one special staff member wants me to join his family!
Watch my first “meet and great” in the video. All I can say is, “It’s a match made in heaven!”
I couldn’t be happier or more grateful to everyone who shared a role in saving my life!
Furever Grateful,
XOXOXO, 💕🐾River

Video is below: 👇

Fluff and Rodney Updates!Message from Fluff! I have been recovering from my heart surgery and doing well. Next week, I w...

Fluff and Rodney Updates!

Message from Fluff!
I have been recovering from my heart surgery and doing well. Next week, I will travel to Ohio State Veterinary Hospital to have my post op evaluation. If everything is good, I will return back to AFA! Keep checking for updates on me. I have an adorable, sweet disposition and am counting the days before I find someone to 💕.
XoXo Fluff🐾 💚

Message from Rodney!
I am here at the AFA shelter, ready to meet and greet anyone who is interested in sharing their loving home and heart with me! ❤️ I am a big guy, but don’t let that and my deep bark fool you. I am a real teddy bear who thrives on attention. It’s been 5 months since my arrival here at AFA. If anyone knows of someone looking for that special dog, I am your guy!!!!
If you can share my story, I will be very grateful!
XOXO🐾❤️Rodney 💙


I wanted to update everyone on what has turned our to be a miraculous week for me. Where do I even begin???

My time at Ohio State has been full of the challenges one might expect from my open wound. I have been battling infections this week. It looked as if the Doctors were running out of options as AFA manager Lu and Lauren's Wing braced for devastating news. Today was the day a decision had to be made about my future.

It was a heartbreaking few days of waiting for everyone at AFA and Lauren's Wing Every person that met me here knew I was a special dog. I stole Lu's heart the minute she laid eyes on me while wagging my tail greeting her in spite of all my injuries. Dr. Mucci, who had cleaned the open wounds upon my arrival at AFA described me as remarkable. No one knows how bad my previous life was or how long I waited for help on the side of a road, but I relished every moment of the present -kindness, love and compassion were gifts I appreciated. My stay at AFA was short, but the impression I left on everyone's heart was deep.

My move to Ohio State brought hope. I didn't waste time winning hearts here at the clinic either. The OSU Doctors were teaching Students about Wound Care with my help as an example. I never disappointed, my joy filled determination continued to shine brightly every day as treatments continued and wounds bandaged. The healing process on wounds this deep take time and in spite of the best care possible, there were concerning infections. I kept fighting........

Daily updates were called in to Lu, updating her of my progress. Things were looking so good at the beginning of this week that a return to AFA was a possibility. Lauren's Wing and all at AFA were over the moon with my progress. There was even a discussion about changing my name to something that reflected my extraordinary spirit. Although new names were never used on any of Lauren's Wing previous 87 recipients, it was agreed I deserved a total new beginning. Maybe "Asher", a biblical name meaning "happy" and "blessed", and reflecting the Lenten season I was found in. The name discussion and excitement quickly ended with a mid week phone call from OSU, and the heartbreaking news that another infection had gotten a grip on me. My fate again was very uncertain. The Drs' had a new antibiotic and because I was always in my usual great spirits and not showing signs of discomfort, they wanted to give me every chance of winning my battle. They would know my fate today, Friday March 22nd.

Late afternoon today, Shelter manager Lu received a phone call from OSU. It was a phone call she was dreading. The phone call was not at all what she expected. Yes, I still was battling an infection but there was improvement. But there was news, BIG news, something no one ever expected to hear. It seems everyone at OSU has been touched by my positive energy and patience. They have all witnessed what a remarkable dog I am. So much so, that OSU has provided a $5,000 grant to me! I can continue my journey of healing as well as being a teaching vessel here at Ohio State University for the next 2 weeks.

There are tears of joy tonight as I become the first AFA Lauren's Wing Recipient to be blessed with such a remarkable grant. Whatever my name will be some day, one thing is for certain, I am "happy" and very "blessed".

Check back for updates and hopefully a photo in the near future. Thank you for your prayers and your support!

Fluff and River Updates! I am here at Ohio State in recovery after having my heart surgery completed yesterday.  All wen...

Fluff and River Updates!

I am here at Ohio State in recovery after having my heart surgery completed yesterday. All went exactly as planned (sigh of relief), and I will be released tomorrow. My prognosis is great, so I am hoping to meet my future family and loving home soon. Here is my picture while awaiting my surgery early Monday morning. XOXOX, Fluff 💚🐾

Its been a week unlike what anyone could have expected. You may remember I was found laying on the side of the road in West Virginia after being hit by a car. Severe injuries kept me from moving so I stayed waiting. No one knows how long I was there, and in my condition with severe wounds my life could have ended there. Sadly, my owners were not trying to locate me either. After being discovered and making certain Lauren's Wing would fund my surgery, I was taken to a veterinary Emergency Hospital in W VA.where There was good news- my broken hind leg was able to be saved with a plate and pin. However, there was an issue with some of my wounds, but the Doctors couldn't do skin grafts for whatever reason. They cleaned and bandaged the wounds and sent me back to a foster home associated with the rescue group. After a few days, I was transported to the AFA shelter Sunday night.

Upon my arrival, shelter manager Lu was in tears. My hind leg was alright, but the open wounds were much worse than anyone described. There were big open wounds that could easily become infected under the best of circumstances. AFA In house veterinarian Dr Mucci took a closer look and cleaned and bandaged me. All the while, I never barked or growled, just supplied kennel manager Jen with as many kisses as time would allow as she held me in place. I've been told my loving temperament is amazing considering all that I have endured. I just can't believe there are such gentle, kind and caring people! Dr Mucci was very concerned about my wounds. I heard her talking to shelter manager Lu who then called Ohio State Veterinary Hospital. Little Fluff was scheduled for the "soft tissue" surgery- the same dept. that would possibly deal with my issues. One look at my photos forwarded to them and an astounding "bring him with Fluff", had us on the road the very next morning heading to Ohio. Lu told me that I traveled like a trooper! I never complain and am so anxious to greet and please anyone I meet. The Ohio State team of veterinarians took me in and were very impressed with my loving demeaner. There was a long discussion with Lu afterwards that had me a bit worried. The team doesn't think they can graft skin for the open gash on my front leg. They are very concerned there could be an infection which could result in sepsis. There is already an infection in my tail. I will need surgery to remove a portion of it to keep the infection from spreading. Their recommendation- keep me at Ohio State where i will be monitored 24-7, wounds cleaned and rebandaged daily, and in a totally sterile environment. I will be here for 2-3 weeks. "Hmmmmm, I held my breath and prayed, please don't give up on me now, I have come so far". Lu replied, sounds like a plan for such a good dog.

So, tonight I am here at Ohio State. I"ve witnessed the best and worst in humans, and haven't lost my faith in them thanks to everyone who has gone the extra mile to help me get this far. I can't express how grateful my heart is to all the good people who support Lauren's Wing. You have made it possible for me to undergo this extensive treatment. Saving an animal's life is a priceless gift and thanks to your donations, I am getting the best care possible.

One last "good thing" to share. The Veterinary Team at OSU told Lu that new Vet Students will be arriving shortly. The OSU Doctors plan to use me as an example and teaching tool to demonstrate best techniques to care for animals with severe wounds. I feel special and am looking forward to meeting all the new students!

Please check back- will try and provide updates whenever possible.

XOXOXO, River 💙🐾

Meet River!Someone took a photo of where I was found, laying next to a road after being hit by a car just yesterday. The...

Meet River!

Someone took a photo of where I was found, laying next to a road after being hit by a car just yesterday. The car didn't stop leaving me dazed, confused and in terrible pain from a severely broken back leg, chest trauma and horrific open wounds. One look at the photo reveals how badly I was suffering. There was nothing I could do but wait.

No one knows how long the wait was, but once discovered B.A.R.C. from Sod, West Virginia came to help. (Boone County Rescue Coalition)
A call was made to Lu Hutchinson, AFA shelter manager asking for help from the Lauren's Wing Fund. The quick YES response provided hope and the funds to be taken to Kanawha Valley Emergency Veterinary Hospital in Charlston, West Virginia. The X-rays revealed chest trauma that the Doctors believe can heal with time and rest. My hind leg is severely broken and will need surgery as soon as it can be arranged here. My large wounds were cleaned and treated and I have been made as comfortable as possible as I wait.

In one short day, I have witnessed the worst and best of mankind. Who could hit a living creature and leave them on the road to suffer and die? And then there are the best, those that came to my rescue: B.A.R.C., AFA Humane Society and the people who support the Lauren's Wing Fund. Your love and compassion for all animals, even those you don't know and may be states away, have restored my faith in humans and provided the funds to save my life.

Yesterday, I became the 88th recipient of the Lauren's Wing Fund. I've heard it has been a busy few months for the Fund, but thanks to the wonderful supporters, my funding was available to be used at a moments notice.

Please check back for updates from me. There is a long road ahead, but once well enough to travel, I will be transported to the AFA shelter where my recovery will continue and ultimately the best new home will be in my future.

XOXO, With love and gratitude, River 🐾💙

A Gulliver Update!It has been quite a week for me with plenty of ups and a few downs. My surgery took place on Wednesday...

A Gulliver Update!
It has been quite a week for me with plenty of ups and a few downs.

My surgery took place on Wednesday. All was going well until my heart started to beat irregularly during the surgery. Doctors were concerned enough to call in extra surgeons. The decision was made to abort the surgery- it was just too risky. I spent the evening and most of Thursday in recovery. I am ok for now, but Drs can’t guarentee my life span will be a normal one, but they are hopeful.

My fate was very uncertain. Would my future forever owner still want me under these circumstances?!? He was with me during the surgery so my issues were clear to him. AFA shelter manager Lu reached out and told him everyone would understand if he had changed his mind about the adoption. I held my breath waiting for his response. His Reply, “ I absolutely want him to be part of my home and Family”!

This weekend was spent at my new residence. Here is a photo of me meeting my new Great Dane sibling!❤️❤️ The second photo is today in the car heading for a ride to a park. What a life- I am loving it! My “Gulliver’s travels” are complete. I am now being called Neville, ( the goofy comic relief character with a big heart in the Harry Potter books.)
The name suits me well, and my new loving home couldn’t be more perfect.

With much love and thanks to all who helped me find my awesome new family. I know that each day forward will be filled with love, happiness and great care!

XOXO 🐾Neville (Gulliver)

🎉A EUGENE UPDATE🎉I have some fantastic news to share! l traveled to OSU this week with Gulliver and Fluff. While there, ...

I have some fantastic news to share! l traveled to OSU this week with Gulliver and Fluff. While there, I met OSU Herd Manager Ryan Lentz who took one look at me and fell in love!❤️ The feeling was mutual! I am officially adopted into the loving home of Ryan and Amanda Hutchinson!❤️❤️

As an animal that will need a lot of future veterinary care with heart check ups, I couldn’t have found a more perfect home. Amanda is a vet tech at OSU, so I am in a place where I will receive the very best care.

Here I am leaving “work”!
I know how fortunate and blessed I am to have found such a perfect home.

Thank you to everyone who played a role in my care, recovery and journey. Special thanks to all the wonderful people who support the Lauren’s Wing Fund! ❤️ Your generosity has helped another homeless animal have a chance to live a happy life.

XOXO, 🐾💕Eugene

Hello Friends!  My name is Gulliver and I made a BIG entrance to the AFA shelter just a few weeks ago.  I am a Great Dan...

Hello Friends! My name is Gulliver and I made a BIG entrance to the AFA shelter just a few weeks ago. I am a Great Dane mix and at 6 months old already tower above everyone here at the shelter. One look at my paws and you can see I will be a very big guy someday. There is a problem though. After an exam, AFA veterinarians suspected a heart issue.

Another little pup at the shelter named "Fluff", was awaiting a consultation at Ohio State University for heart issues. Shelter manager Lu made a request that I join them on the trip to see the specialist. Early this week we traveled to Ohio to have our exams. We both are in need of surgeries, so thanks to the wonderful people who support the Lauren's Wing Fund, we became the 86th and 87th recipients! Our hearts may need mended, but they are full of gratitude!

Fluff has an enlarged heart that will need a soft tissue surgery that is scheduled in a few weeks. Being only 16 weeks old, she will have a chance for a happy future.

I need surgery as well. Like my little friend Eugene, I will need a stent (balloon) placed in my heart to allow for better blood flow. Problem is, I am almost already too big for the largest stent! The Doctors think I will do just fine though. I am back at Ohio State today to have my surgery. The pictures I am sharing today are me making myself quite at home at the Ohio State University Hospital.

My story isn't over, because I have awesome news to share. On my initial visit earlier this week, I meet the team who will be performing my surgery. There was a special guy, who happens to a veterinary tech, who took one look at me and fell in love. He wants to adopt me! I can already say a loving forever home awaits me! I will be joining another Great Dane sibling in my new home-it just doesn't get any better-life is good!
XOXO, Your big grateful guy,

Good news everyone! ❤️My heart surgery went well Wednesday afternoon. I was released Thursday and returned back to AFA s...

Good news everyone! ❤️
My heart surgery went well Wednesday afternoon. I was released Thursday and returned back to AFA shelter. In 3 months, will need to return for another check up.

Thank you to everyone who has helped me with my medical care and expenses. Special thanks Shelter Manager Lu for all the time you have spent providing my rides to and from OSU!
Xoxo Eugene

I traveled to Ohio State University this week for my PDA surgery. Things didn’t go quite as planned. The specialist dete...

I traveled to Ohio State University this week for my PDA surgery. Things didn’t go quite as planned. The specialist determined it is not PDA, but a valve problem within my heart. I stayed at OSU and will have a Valvuvoplasty surgery where a balloon will be inserted in the heart valve to increase blood flow.

Thanks to everyone who is supporting my journey and wishing me well. My little heart is full of LOVE and special Valentine Wishes to each and every one of you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️Xoxo Eugene
P.S. Here I am in the waiting room at OSU.

Updates and News!                                                                                                       ...

Updates and News!
🐾💗Good news for me…..Rodney! First a little confession though. Last Friday, I got a bit bored and decided it was time for my bandages to come off. Silly me took it upon myself to start the process. Fortunately, I didn’t get very far before someone took notice. Just to be safe, Lu and I headed down to Cheat Lake once again. The Dr’s agreed with me and the bandages have been officially removed! Yay for me! Here I am leaving the Dr’s office - sorry I was a bit embarrassed on what I had done so didn’t want to look while my picture was taken. I am doing very well and the stitches are healing nicely. I promise to behave from this point on. XOXO Rodney

🐾♥️A little update from little me, Eugene! Monday will be the big day when I travel to Ohio State University to have my heart repaired with PDA surgery. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers on Monday. In the meantime, I have been fortunate enough to be spending my days being fostered by Amanda, an awesome member of the AFA shelter staff. Spending time with Amanda and her family has been such a blessing to me as I await my surgery. So, this little guy would like to give a GIANT SHOUT OUT to Amanda and Family for providing love and care for me. I know how fortunate it has been to have found my way to the AFA shelter, where an AWESOME staff provides the very best care while we await our forever homes! XOXO. Eugene

🐾💖Last but not lease, my name is Fluff and very soon I will become the 86th Laurens Wing recipient. I am an 18 week old pup who arrived at the shelter with the same condition as my new friend Eugene. I will also need the same Patent Ductus Arterosis Surgery. Thanks to all who support Lauren’s Wing, I will be able to have the PDA surgery necessary to save my life. I am waiting for an appointment and date for surgery. In the meantime, I have met my friend Eugene, and we are BOTH staying with Amanda, who reassures us we will both be fine. Here we are having one of our first PJ parties together. THANK YOU Amanda for allowing us the opportunity to experience a loving home while we await our surgeries. XOXO Fluff

An update from Rodney……Monday was an important day in my life. Shelter manager Lu greeted me very early and we traveled ...

An update from Rodney……
Monday was an important day in my life. Shelter manager Lu greeted me very early and we traveled together to Cheat Lake Veterinary Hospital. The surgery to remove my deformed front leg was successfully completed in the afternoon. I spent the night in recovery, and by Tuesday afternoon, I was strong enough to be released back to AFA’s care. Here is a photo of my release leaving the Hospital Tuesday afternoon. The transition to walking on three legs was easy as I wasn’t using the deformed leg to walk on anyway.

I am now back at the AFA shelter where I am resting comfortably and receiving lots of tender loving care. There have been many challenges in my life, but with the help of the AFA staff and Lauren’s Wing supporters, I am one step closer to living my dream of finding my forever family. ❤️❤️❤️
XOXO Rodney🐾

A Rodney Update🐾Today is the day I have been waiting on for some time. If you remember, I arrived in skeletal condition ...

A Rodney Update🐾

Today is the day I have been waiting on for some time. If you remember, I arrived in skeletal condition at the AFA shelter. With a lot of help and encouragement from the great AFA staff, just look at me now! Being strong enough to survive surgery, my first appointment was this morning at Cheat Lake Veterinary Hospital.

Here are a few pictures shelter manager Lu shared upon our arrival. You can probably guess, my first instinct was to head back out the door! Fortunately, I have learned to trust people so ultimately made the wise choice to wait patiently with Lu.

Finally, it was my turn. The Drs took lots of X-rays of my leg. No one could venture a guess whether this was a birth defect or caused by an accident, and I’m not telling my secret!

One thing was certain, everyone agreed my crippled leg was such a hindrance to mobility, and it is best to remove it. There will be no problems with a transition since I don’t use it.

My surgery is scheduled for January 29th, when Lu will es**rt me once again to Cheat lake. When my recovery is complete, a whole new world will await!

I look forward to many great things happening in 2024, and wish the same to all who support Lauren’s Wing and AFA!
Happy New Year!
XOXO, 🐾❤️Rodney

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the shelter, not a creature was stirring except for me, Eugene!The stoc...

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the shelter,
not a creature was stirring except for me, Eugene!

The stockings were hung by the lobby with care,
in hopes that forever families would soon visit there,

The animals were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of adoptions danced in their heads!

But when I closed my eyes to sleep,
My sad past life in a puppy mill caused me to weep!

Indeed it was a very rough start,
I was afraid of my future with a PDA non functioning heart..

Last week at the mill, I heard some chatter,
So I listened from my crate to see what was the matter,

When what to my wondering eyes did appear, but the AFA van with Lu at the wheel!

More rapid than eagles, Lu announced a plan,
that with the help of Lauren’s Wing Supporters I could soon join their clan!

And then in a twinkle, I heard the good news,
I will be the 85th recipient of the Lauren’s Wing crew!

I would like to exclaim as I meet you tonight,

Xoxo Eugene

( I actually am resting comfortably at the shelter tonight as I await an appointment and surgery for my PDA heart issue. Being a 4 month old puppy, I will have a long life and happy future thanks to the wonderful people who support the Lauren’s Wing Fund! )
Special thanks to the awesome AFA staff for all you do!❤️

Lauren’s Wing wishes to express a heartfelt thank you to the Janessa Fleming Memorial Fund and the entire Fleming Family...

Lauren’s Wing wishes to express a heartfelt thank you to the Janessa Fleming Memorial Fund and the entire Fleming Family for a generous gift to the Lauren’s Wing fund. The donation came to us with the following message:
“The Janessa Fleming Memorial Fund was established in loving memory of Janessa (JJ) Fleming to carry on her loving and caring spirit. Janessa, a friend to all, always expressed a love for animals. With this in mind, the Janessa Fleming Memorial Fund presents Lauren’s Wing with a $1000 donation.”
We are truly grateful that the Fleming family has chosen to honor Janessa’s memory through our fund. It is our hope that there is joy in knowing JJ’s vibrant spirit, boundless energy, love and enthusiasm will live on in the lifesaving care animals will receive through this donation. It is a blessing to have known Janessa during her lifetime and witness firsthand her gifts of love, inclusion and compassion to everyone she met. Although her years on earth were short, the moments that she touched the lives of those around her are monumental.
Lauren’s Wing Family wishes to humbly express our deepest appreciation to Paula Fleming (Janessa’s mother) and the entire Fleming Family and extend our gratitude for your support and friendship through the years.

To learn more about the Janessa Fleming Memorial Fund please visit: ‪‬.


Latrobe, PA


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