Hakuna Matata Rabbitry-Lionheads, Netherland Dwarfs, Tans. New Zealands

Hakuna Matata Rabbitry-Lionheads, Netherland Dwarfs, Tans. New Zealands We are a small Rabbitry raising Lionheads, Netherland Dwarfs,Tans, and New Zealands. Small Rabbitry

Yesterday Sept 15 we attended the Washington County Rabbitry Breeders Association Fall Show! Show ABritannia Petite: Mik...

Yesterday Sept 15 we attended the Washington County Rabbitry Breeders Association Fall Show!

Show A
Britannia Petite: Mike Ross
Atomic Black Otter Sr. Buck: 1st,
Squirrels R Us Ghost Black Otter Jr. Buck: 1st, BOV, BOSB
GPR’s Picasso Broken Sr. Doe: 2nd

Mini Rex: Mike Ross
EJ’s Gold(Willow) 4th

Netherland Dwarf: Brock Meanor
Greenwood Gem’s Arrow 4th

Tans: Hannah Reynard
Spruce Run’s Sprucette Lilac Jr. Doe 1st, BOV
Evan’s Java Chocolate Sr. Doe: 2nd
Moonglade’s Vader Black Sr. Buck: 1st, BOV, BOB
Rockin J’s Rooster Black Sr. Buck: 2nd
Anandapur’s Chili Black Sr. Doe 1st, BOSV

Show B
Britannia Petite: Hannah Reynard
Atomic Black Otter Sr. Buck: 1st BOV, BOSB
Squirrels R Us Ghost Black Otter Jr. Buck: 1st,
GPR’s Picasso Broken Sr. Doe: 2nd

Mini Rex Dan Saunier
EJ’s Gold(Willow) 2nd

Netherland Dwarf: Brock Meanor
Greenwood Gem’s Arrow 5th

Tans: Tom Schweikart
Spruce Run’s Sprucette Lilac Jr. Doe 1st, BOV
Evan’s Java Chocolate Sr. Doe: 2nd
Moonglade’s Vader Black Sr. Buck: 1st, BOV, BOB
Rockin J’s Rooster Black Sr. Buck: 2nd
Anandapur’s Chili Black Sr. Doe 1st, BOSV

On Saturday September 7th we attended the Steel City Showdown at the Westmoreland Fairgrounds. Show AMini RexEJ’s Gold(W...

On Saturday September 7th we attended the Steel City Showdown at the Westmoreland Fairgrounds.

Show A
Mini Rex
EJ’s Gold(Willow) Broken Blue Otter Jr. Doe: 1st, BOSV, BOSG

Spruce Run’s Sprucette Lilac Jr. Doe1st,BOSV
Anandapur’s Chili Black Sr Doe 3rd
Moonglade’s Vader Black Sr. Buck 3rd.

Britannia Petite
Squirrels R Us Ghost Black Otter Jr. Buck 1st,BOV,BOB

Show B
Mini Rex
EJ’s Gold(Willow) Broken Blue Otter Jr. Doe: 1st, BOV, BOSG

Spruce Run’s Sprucette Lilac Jr. Doe 2nd
Anandapur’s Chili Black Sr Doe 3rd
Moonglade’s Vader Black Sr. Buck 3rd

Britannia Petite
Ghost 1st,BOV,BOB

Today was rabbit show day for Hakuna Matata Rabbitry and Squirrels R Us Rabbitry!!! In 2016 Vinny won Best In Show Open ...

Today was rabbit show day for Hakuna Matata Rabbitry and Squirrels R Us Rabbitry!!! In 2016 Vinny won Best In Show Open with our Tan Faline and today he won Best In Show 4-H with Greenwood Gem’s Arrow our Black Otter Netherland Dwarf Sr. Buck! All of our rabbits did amazing!

Natalie- Open
EJ’s Gold(Willow) Mini Rex 1st Jr. Doe and great comments during BOB judging.

Squirrels R Us Ghost Buster(Britannia Petite) 2nd Jr. Buck
Moonglades Vader(Tan) 3rd
Hakuna Matata’s Jasper(Lionhead) 1st Sr Buck BOSB
Simple Life’s Sephora(Lionhead) 4th Sr. For

Daniel- 4-H & Open
Hakuna Matata’s Aurora(Lionhead) 3rd 4H 2nd Open
Hakuna Matata’s Polar Bear(Lionhead) 3rd Open 4th 4-H
Simple Life’s Fergie(Lionhead) 5th 4-H
Joker(Lionhead) 5th 4th
3rd in 15+ showmanship with an 87!

Vincent- 4-H & Open
Willow Tree’s Phoenix(Netherland Dwarf) 1st Sr Doe 4H & BOSB, 3rd Open
Knott’s Pharoh(Netherland Dwarf) 2nd Sr Buck in 4H & 4th in Open
Willow Tree’s Venus(Netherland Dwarf) Sr Doe 2nd in 4H and Youth
Greenwood Gems Arrow(Netherland Dwarf) Sr Buck 1st, BOB, BEST IN SHOW!!!! 4-H, 3rd Open see
3rd in 12-14 Showmanship with his highest score ever of 98!

Lucky 8’s Morning Sr. Buck 3rd in Open

It was awesome to see so many Hakuna Matata Lionheads on the table today! Congratulations to Tori Tumulty with Hakuna Matata’s Magnolia on her double BOB today and congratulations to August R on his BOSB 4-H with Hakuna Matata’s Linguine!

Hello everyone we wanted to put out there that we are not the same rabbitry as the Hakuna Matata Rabbitry located in Flo...

Hello everyone we wanted to put out there that we are not the same rabbitry as the Hakuna Matata Rabbitry located in Florida. We have been ARBA members and registered since 2016 and have always been located out of Latrobe, Pennsylvania. We raise Lionheads, Netherland Dwarfs, Tans, and New Zealands. We are making this announcement as we have received numerous messages and/or reviews regarding Rex and Mini Lops we do not have those breeds. We also will not allow an aggressive rabbit to knowingly leave our rabbitry nor do we charge extra for breeding rights. Thank you. - Jenn, Isabel, Daniel, Vincent

Come see us at Bunnyfest this weekend!

Come see us at Bunnyfest this weekend!


Yesterday we attended the Washington County Rabbit Breeders Association Spring Show!

Vince: Youth Netherlands
Lure’s Brooke Blk Silver Marten Sr Doe ND: A: 1st, BOSV. B:1st, BOSV
Lure’s Chess: Chestnut Sr Buck ND: Show A: 1st,BOV,BOG. Show B:1st, BOV,
Knot’s Pharoh: Show A: 2nd ShowB:2nd

Isabel Open Tans:
Hammond’s Riptide Blue Sr. Buck: 1st, BOV
Rockin J’s Little Red Rooster Black Sr. Buck: Show A 2nd, B:2nd
Rockin J’s Little Sparrow Blk Sr Doe: Show A: 3rd, B: 2nd
Rockin J’s Honda: Blk Sr Doe: Show A: 2nd B:3rd
Anandapur’s Chili Blk Sr. doe Show A: 1st, BOV, BOB( Her 9th leg!!!) Show B: 1st, BOSV, BOSB
Moonglades Vader Blk Jr. Buck: Show A: 1st Show B:1st

Congratulations to Spruce Run Rabbitry on their BOSB win with their Lilac Jr. Buck and congratulations to Adelyn Toey on her BOB win in show B with her gorgeous Black Sr. Buck Rex!

We are going to be breeding a few of our Tans, Lionheads, Netherland Dwarfs and the New Zealand for the fall show season and the fairs soon.

We had a great day at the Washington County Rabbit Breeders Association Fall Show!Show A: Judged by Ashley SweeneyReepin...

We had a great day at the Washington County Rabbit Breeders Association Fall Show!
Show A: Judged by Ashley Sweeney
Reeping’s Paprika Lilac Tan Sr. Doe: 1st, Best of Variety
Hammonds’ Riptide Blue Tan Sr Buck: 1st,Best of Variety
Evan’s Java Chocolate Tan Sr. Doe: 1st, Best of Variety
Olson’s Ross Black Tan Jr. Buck: 1st, Best of Variety, Best of Breed(first show leg!)
RockinJ’s Little Red Rooster Black Tan Jr Buck: 2nd
RockinJ’s Little Honda: Black Tan Jr.Does: 1st, Best Opposite of Variety, Best Opposite of Breed
RockinJ’s Little Sparrow Black Tan Jr Doe: 2nd

Show B: Judged by Emily Ashton
Reeping’s Paprika Lilac Tan Sr. Doe: 1st, Best of Variety
Hammonds’ Riptide Blue Tan Sr Buck: 1st,Best of Variety
Evan’s Java Chocolate Tan Sr. Doe: 1st, Best of Variety
Olson’s Ross Black Tan Jr. Buck:2nd
RockinJ’s Little Red Rooster Black Tan Jr Buck: 1st, Best of Variety, Best of Breed(first show leg!)
RockinJ’s Little Honda: Black Tan Jr.Does:2nd
RockinJ’s Little Sparrow Black Tan Jr Doe: 1st, Best Opposite of Variety, Best Opposite of Breed
Thank you to everyone who helped me get my rabbits on the table.
Next stop PASRBA!


Today was day 2 of the Steel City Showdown. It was at MARCS show.
Show A
Anandapur’s Chili(Black St Doe): 1st, BOV, BOB(7th leg)
Reeping’s Sage(Lilac Jr Doe): 2nd
Reeping’s Paprika(Lilac Jr Doe):1st, BOV
JT81”Java”(Chocolate Sr.Doe): 1st,BOV
Hammond’s Riptide(Blue Sr.Buck): 1st, BOV, BOSB

Show B
Anandapur’s Chili(Black St Doe): 1st, BOV, BOB(8th leg)
Reeping’s Sage(Lilac Jr Doe): 2nd
Reeping’s Paprika(Lilac Jr Doe):1st, BOV
JT81”Java”(Chocolate Sr.Doe): 1st,BOV
Hammond’s Riptide(Blue Sr.Buck): 1st, BOV, BOSB
New Zealand
New Holland’s Jumpy(White Sr. Buck) 1st, BOV, BOB

On Saturday it was day one of the Steel City Showdown. All of our rabbits placed well. Show A TansAnandapur’s Chili(Blac...

On Saturday it was day one of the Steel City Showdown. All of our rabbits placed well.
Show A
Anandapur’s Chili(Black St Doe): 1st, BOV, BOB(5th leg)
Reeping’s Sage(Lilac Jr Doe): 2nd
Reeping’s Paprika(Lilac Jr Doe):1st, BOV
JT81”Java”(Chocolate Sr.Doe): 1st,BOV
Hammond’s Riptide(Blue Sr.Buck): 1st, BOV, BOSB
Netherland Dwarfs
Lure’s Milton(Chinchilla Sr.Buck): 1st, BOV
Lure’s Spice: 1st, BOSV, BOSG
Belle’s Birdie(Orange Sr Doe):1st, BOV, BOG
WTR’s Venus(Black Otter Jr Doe): 1st, BOV,BOG,BOSB

Show B
Anandapur’s Chili(Black St Doe): 1st, BOV, BOB(6th leg)
Reeping’s Sage(Lilac Jr Doe): 2nd
Reeping’s Paprika(Lilac Jr Doe):1st, BOV
JT81”Java”(Chocolate Sr.Doe): 1st,BOV
Hammond’s Riptide(Blue Sr.Buck): 1st, BOV, BOSB
Netherland Dwarfs
Lure’s Milton(Chinchilla Sr.Buck): 1st, BOV
Lure’s Spice: 1st, BOSV, BOSG
Belle’s Birdie(Orange Sr Doe):1st, BOV, BOG
WTR’s Venus(Black Otter Jr Doe): 1st, BOV,BOG,BOSB

Anandapur’s Chili(Black St Doe): 1st, BOV
Reeping’s Sage(Lilac Jr Doe): 1st, BOV, BOB( 1st show leg!)
Reeping’s Paprika(Lilac Jr Doe): 2nd
JT81”Java”(Chocolate Sr.Doe): 1st,BOV
Hammond’s Riptide(Blue Sr.Buck): 1st, BOV, BOSB
Netherland Dwarfs
Lure’s Milton(Chinchilla Sr.Buck): 1st, BOV
Lure’s Spice: 1st, BOSV, BOSG
Belle’s Birdie(Orange Sr Doe):1st, BOV, BOG, BOSB
WTR’s Venus(Black Otter Jr Doe): 1st, BOV,BOG

Congratulations to Green Pines Rabbitry on the triple BOB wins and a RIS A with their gorgeous Netherland Dwarf Chestnut Sr. Buck!
We also picked up New Holland’s Jumpy a gorgeous White New Zealand Sr. Buck

Thank you to Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage for purchasing Vince’s meat pen!

Thank you to Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage for purchasing Vince’s meat pen!

Hello my name is Vincent Calabrace, I am 13 years old from Latrobe, Pennsylvania. This is my 7th year in 4H, I am a memb...

Hello my name is Vincent Calabrace, I am 13 years old from Latrobe, Pennsylvania. This is my 7th year in 4H, I am a member of the Sunshine 4H Club. This year my projects include breeding rabbits and market rabbits. I bred my buck and a doe on June 13 my doe had 10 kits. We were split evenly on variety with 5 brokens and 5 blues. My pen weighed in at over 13 lbs at check in. I would like to invite you to the Westmoreland Fair Jr. Livestock sale on August 26 @ 10am. Please watch for me and my market pen in the sale. Thank you for considering my project and I hope to see you there. Good Luck and have fun bidding!

This past week we attended the Derry Township Agricultural Fair. Daniel took home Grand Champion Doe and Litter with a L...

This past week we attended the Derry Township Agricultural Fair. Daniel took home Grand Champion Doe and Litter with a Lionhead litter out of Hakuna Matata’s Aurora and GC Alpha Prides Gold Dust.
Vince took home Reserve Champion Doe and Litter with our Netherland Dwarf litter out of PHR’s Kat and Lure’s Milton.
All of our animals placed top 5 and we came home with a couple Best of Breeds and Best Opposites. Next up is Westmoreland Fair

The Greater Pittsburgh Rabbit Breeders Association- Triple ShowShow A Open:Milton(Chinchilla Netherland Dwarf):1st, BOV,...

The Greater Pittsburgh Rabbit Breeders Association- Triple Show
Show A Open:
Milton(Chinchilla Netherland Dwarf):1st, BOV, BOG
Spice(Chestnut Netherland Dwarf):1st, BOV, BOSG
Mars(Black Tan Netherland Dwarf):1st, BOV
Memphis(Black Silver Marten Netherland Dwarf): 1st,
Java: (Chocolate Tan): 1st, BOV, BOB

Show B Open:
Milton(Chinchilla Netherland Dwarf):1st, BOV, BOG
Spice(Chestnut Netherland Dwarf):1st, BOV, BOSG
Mars(Black Tan Netherland Dwarf):1st, BOV
Memphis(Black Silver Marten Netherland Dwarf): 1st, BOV
Java: (Chocolate Tan): 1st, BOV, BOB

Show C Open:
Milton(Chinchilla Netherland Dwarf):1st, BOV, BOG
Spice(Chestnut Netherland Dwarf):1st, BOV, BOSG
Mars(Black Tan Netherland Dwarf):1st, BOV
Memphis(Black Silver Marten Netherland Dwarf): 1st, BOV
Java: (Chocolate Tan): 1st, BOV, BOB

We brought home a Black Jr. Buck Dwarf Papillon named Boba!


Latrobe, PA


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