Milagro weighs 1.7 lbs at 8 weeks old.
She is playing with Felene. Feline weighs 6.5 lbs. She is a big dog.
She is trying to wake someone up to play with her lol
Your nightly dose of our little terrorist.
She thinks she is a big dog. Unfortunately she has her days and nights all mixed up. Lol
Look who has found the ball to play with. I have had to separate her from her siblings, since they are so much bigger and play rough. P.S. she has her days and night mixed up. Lol
I never get tired of playing with her. She is 7 weeks and 1.2 lbs. She is a big dog.
For all if your prayers, well wishes and positive thoughts for this little girl, thank you. She is 6 weeks old, fully functioning tiny terrorist.
Unless something drastic happen, she has made it. We will be keeping her for the foreseeable future. Milagros is totally spoiled rotten and has her staff well trained to her wants. Namely me. Lol
Puppy pile. Mom we are fat, full and happy. Now it's nap time.
Miss Priss lokes real food. She is extremely picky as to what she will eat