This page is for the Residents of Laurens County. As a community we need to improve the situation at the Laurens County Animal Shelter. If you are like me, you have/had no idea what their daily life is like in a sub par shelter. Did you know?
1. The dogs do not have air in the summer nor heat in the winter.
2. The kennels are open to the elements. Some of the dogs are rained on, the mosquitos are biting and these dogs do not have heartworm prevention unless donated. Not to mention flea and tick prevention.
3. There is no heat nor air or even ventilation in the back of the Animal Control Trucks.
4. There are no Crates to transport strays to the Shelter. They are just put in the back of the truck together, puppies too. Can you imagine how frightened they must be? Can you imagine the dogs and new born puppies rolling around in the back of a hot covered truck? The trucks must have bolted crates for each dog transported.
5. There are no temperature controlled areas to keep the food. The food is kept in a hot storage container where the nutrients dissipate and can be teeming with bacteria and pathogens.
6. All of these dogs need exercise and human contact daily.
7. The kennels that the dogs are kept in have concrete floors. These floors can soak up to 12 gallons of water a day because they have never been sealed.
8. They must sleep, eat and use the bathroom in their kennels. There are no accessible ways for the dogs to use the bathroom outside.
9 Anyone can adopt. There is no one to check to see if the dog will be going to a loving home, a fighting ring or tied to a tree.
10. Adopters are given a Voucher for spay/neuter but no one checks. Dogs have been returned pregnant.