My turn! I am Elkie, from Pelkie! Ha ha I am a poet! No really, I was found in Pelkie. I went to a lady's house because I was hungry and cold and wet and I didn't like living outside. She was such a nice lady, I wanted to live with her, but she had too many cats already, so here I am at K-SNAG, waiting. Every Saturday they have Adoption Day and people are supposed to come and adopt us, but it's been a long time that I have been here waiting. I will probably be a little bit scared when you come to get me because I am so used to being here now, but I will get over it. I am sure I will adjust and love being in a real home with my own people. So come on over, tomorrow, Saturday, and maybe you can bring me home! That's Saturday, February 22nd from Noon to 4 P.M.