Day 2….of the Heritage Place Yearling Sale! Megan and Jodi are working hard getting the girls ready to shine! #heritageplace #hkperformancehorses #facesofkscer
King Leonard❤️
Regular dental care is important for overall horse health…🦷🐴
Regular dental care is CRITICAL for King Leonard to maintain the lavish lifestyle he is accustomed to!🐈⬛🙄
Happy Katurday KsCER friends!
Nothing to see here 👀…..Danny loves his new toy❤️. Farmhand Amy spoils ALL the animals around KsCER!#cutiesofkscer
No Fun Friday!
No Fun Friday!!🙃…….
Danny did not get the memo!😁
Here’s to a great weekend KsCER friends!
Grateful for all the GREAT KSCER Dads!❤️❤️❤️#facesofkser
Louise is out here living her best life in her new ShooFly’s- donkey edition! 🫏
The flies have been relentless this spring on our guard donkeys. Louise was not (let’s say) a fan of being wrangled and fly sprayed on a daily basis so we made the investment in these “leg warmers” (as I like to call them😂, shoutout to my decade of the 80’s)! Now she can be seen high stepping it across the pasture! Is it just me or should Donkey Dressage be the newest Olympic sport!😉
Back in the off season, I asked CMO Phil if he could build this fancy box for my dad’s farm truck to make us more efficient around the farm. (And to be honest, I am getting way too old and so not interested in lifting heavy 💩💩💩!)
Turns out, Phil’s creation comes in pretty handy around KsCER as well!
Special thanks to my videographer Dr. Shelby who had a little down time when her hand wasn’t where it normally is this time of year!😉😂iykyk
When you only weigh 100 lbs. AFTER you have eaten a big meal! And it’s been a while since lunch!😂
Intern Avery “not intimated” by the BIG DOOR!😂
Our newest little guy is NOT shy around the hoomans!❤️#cutiesofkscer
SOUND ON! (Next in our series showcasing more of Dr. Shelby’s biggest PET PEEVES)
I don’t think I have ever seen Dr. Shelby as excited as when she stumbled across a plastic shovel while she was accompanying me on my weekly Menards trip. (I thought to myself, of course, she really needs to get out more!)
The excitement I witnessed that day, however, pailed in comparison to the “excitement” I witnessed a few days later when Dr. Shelby spotted her special shovel with dried horse poop on it! The “rage scrubbing” that followed was something I will not soon forget! Burned into my memory…..forever.😬
SOUND ON!😬 (if the birthday post didn’t get me fired, this one might)…….
Having a little fun at the barn today exploring some of Dr. Shelby’s BIGGEST pet peeves.
This precious screw driver is ESSENTIAL for accessing the Foal Alert box. When the Foal Alert warning system (similar to the Emergency Broadcast System on your tv for all you NHP’s), the only way to turn it off is to access the silver box with the BRIGHT ORANGE SCREWDRIVER! 🪛If the screwdriver🪛 disappears, the Foal Alert system continues to sound…loudly…really loudly…really, really loudly. And Dr. Shelby loses her mind, I mean really really loses her mind! Giving this tool the status of “most important tool in the barn!”✨
Editor’s Note: Vet Tech Mikayla was coerced to participate in this video (or maybe she volunteered) my memory is a little fuzzy.😬