Flagstaff Elevation Sport Horses
One more day left, but its been the best week for this team. Thank you to my crew here and at home that keep us going. Im so proud of you all, keep up the hard work... i promise it will continue to pay off. #USEF #USHJA
Everyone at home, here at the show, and those behind the scenes that keep this business, our horses, and us going❤️
Day 4 of sunshine and happiness ❤️🐴
Living on cloud 9 😍❤️ so thankful for such incredible horses!
Hey buttercup, the jumps down there ⬇️❤️ I sure do love this perfect pony ❤️
Buttercup needed a second post because it doesn’t get much better than this! I’m so blessed to own such fancy horses/ponies, couldn’t do it without lacy! @equineshowmom ❤️❤️❤️❤️. Thank you @parkwoodequestrian for being such a huge mentor to me, and always setting me up with the best! And thank you @alta_hills_tack for getting my ponies in the perfect saddle to help them excel, it’s been a night and day difference!