This poor girl came to us this morning after being on the wrong end of a fight with a porcupine! Though not native to Iowa, and very uncommon to encounter, we do occasionally get porcupines in our area. For one reason or another dogs find these pokey creatures fun to play with and apparently appetizing as they often have quill inside their mouths and in their tongues. It is important to remember that porcupine quills are barbed and often require sedation or general anesthesia to remove. If the barbed end is broken off and not removed they can migrate deeper into the tissue and cause more problems. The sooner the quills are removed the better as they absorb moisture from the body and swell the longer they are in place. If your furry friend happens to be on the receiving end of a porcupine greeting give us a call at 712-546-6040!
Now for the fun part! Let's see who can guess how many quills Dr. Simonsen pulled from this girl this morning! We will be playing with the Price is Right rules. So, whoever is closest without going over will win. The winner gets a free nail trim for their dog or cat at the Le Mars Vet Clinic! Let the guessing begin!
UPDATE: WINNER WINNER! Congratulations Kaitlin Pettus! You were the first to guess the exact number! Exactly 140 quills were removed. Give us a call at 712-546-6040 to schedule your free nail trim!