Feathers Galore Inc

Feathers Galore Inc Feathers Galore is a 501(c)3 non-profit parrot rescue located near Louisville, KY. Feathers Galore Inc.

is a 501c3 parrot and companion bird rescue located near Louisville, KY. All funds received through the rescue will go towards providing sanctuary, rehabilitation, and placement of parrots and other pet birds in need.

Good morning! My name is Baby (and I know this name very well, so it can not be changed). I am estimated to be about 30 ...

Good morning! My name is Baby (and I know this name very well, so it can not be changed). I am estimated to be about 30 years old per the information provided by the previous owner. While I'm not a "baby," I do likely still have a lot of life left in me. My breed can live up to 80 years in captivity!

I am a mollucan cockatoo. We are often considered one of the loudest birds in the world! Our calls have been heard for up to 5 miles outside, which is great when calling our friends in the wild. However, in a home setting, that volume may not be ideal. Cockatoos yell for a variety of reasons (happy, afraid, bored, needing attention, etc.). And we should be given love regardless of these yells. If you are not accepting of this behavior, please do not adopt me. I want to find a home that will love me for who I am and encourage me to be the bird I am. ❤️

I am a silly goofball. I love being talked to, getting treats, and being loved! I want to be the center of attention and need a home that can make me the central part of their family. I love head scratches and become more loving every day as I get more comfortable. My previous owner indicated a preference towards male caretakers, though this behavior has not yet been noted at the rescue.

Do you have what it takes to be Baby's forever home? If so, please apply here:

This stray was turned into LMAS (Louisville). We will hold onto her for a little bit in case an owner claims her. After ...

This stray was turned into LMAS (Louisville). We will hold onto her for a little bit in case an owner claims her. After which, we will place for adoption. Adoption fee will be waived on this cutie (though we ask that you consider a donation: http://feathersgalore.com/donate/). We simply ask that she goes to a home that can add her to their flock of parakeets. She would do best with a group of her own kind.

Hi there! We are Sugar and Spice, though we are not attached to these names. Our names were not provided when we were su...

Hi there! We are Sugar and Spice, though we are not attached to these names. Our names were not provided when we were surrendered, so these are our temporarily (or permanently if you like them!) assigned names. We are a bonded pair that cannot be separated. We very much enjoy our time together and are always near each other. We are not super social with people. Honestly, people kind of scare us a little bit. But we still deserve to be loved just like any other bird. We would love to find a home where we can be free to roam or have space of our own to enjoy. It is possible that we will become more friendly when we find a loving and patient home.


We sometimes find it difficult to find homes for birds that are not friendly or social. While it would be amazing if every bird was friendly, hand tame, and wouldn't ever bite... that is simply not the reality. Especially when working with rescue birds. Birds that are not naturally friendly and social are still amazing birds. They deserve to be loved just as much as birdies that are more people friendly. I try to look at them like people. Even the grumpy or difficult humans still need someone to show them love.

Do you have a big heart and a loving home for these conures? If so, please submit an application!

Hi! My name is Ozzie 😊 I am currently looking for my forever home. I can be scary for many people, but under my feathers...

Hi! My name is Ozzie 😊 I am currently looking for my forever home. I can be scary for many people, but under my feathers is a bird that just wants to be loved and to be a part of a family. I have a goofy and fun personality when I am comfortable. I will require some time and patience, but if you can give that to me, we will have an amazing life together. Are you ready for that challenge?

Ozzie is an amazing bird. He is cage aggressive, so this can be a bit scary. However, cage aggression is pretty normal in birds. Learning to work around that is the key. With Ozzie, we have learned that he does VERY well stepping onto a stick and can easily be moved from his cage to another location. This allows you to move him without having to deal with the cage aggression. He blows kisses, which is one of the cutest things I've heard. He also blushes when you tell him how beautiful he is. Ozzie is not likely going to be a super cuddly and hands-on bird, but he still has a lot of personality that will be amazing for someone who is able to give him time and love.

Are you Ozzie's forever home? If so, please apply here:

If you have applied and want to schedule a meet & greet with Ozzie, please send us a message to discuss. 😊

This pair is the cutest! Lucy and Desi are a bonded pair of macaws. They love each other very much and can not be separa...

This pair is the cutest! Lucy and Desi are a bonded pair of macaws. They love each other very much and can not be separated. They are looking for a forever home that will give them lots of love. Are you that home?

Lucy is a bit more timid and not as social as Desi. Desi loves human interaction and loves being talked to. Both of them LOVE Cheez-its and other treats. They get excited for treats. Both are very gentle in taking these from your hand. They both love to be out of their cage and exploring. They will be a lot of fun for the right family!

If you have submitted an application for Lucy & Desi, please reach out to us to schedule a meet & greet.

If you are interested in adopting Lucy & Desi, please review our adoption information and submit your application here:

We've had several inquiries about the "ringneck" pair we have for adoption. Please note, these are not ringnecks. These ...

We've had several inquiries about the "ringneck" pair we have for adoption. Please note, these are not ringnecks. These are Alexandrines. While they have a similar appearance, there are some differences. The most notable difference is that Alexandrines are much larger. They would be considered closer to a medium sized bird, while ringnecks fit more into the small bird category. Alexandrines are about double the size of a Ringneck. This also means their beaks are bigger (something to keep in mind as the bite will be different).

I always tell people to do research on birds they are interested in adopting. If interested in this pair, I want to be sure you are looking up the right birds in your research so you are getting accurate information. 😊

They are listed on our website:

I don't know about you guys, but I've not had much interest in social media lately. So, I apologize for the lack of post...

I don't know about you guys, but I've not had much interest in social media lately. So, I apologize for the lack of posts, pictures, and updates from us. We are still here and still working hard for our birdies every single day, whether we post about it or not.

We are working hard to find forever loving homes for our birdies. We are not having much luck, unfortunately. We've had multiple no-shows to appointments or lack of responses in general when reaching out to schedule appointments. This has been difficult and time-consuming for us. I'm hopeful this will get better. I am at capacity and unable to accept any additional birds until some adoptions are completed.

Because adoptions have been such a struggle this year, our funds are also depleted. Adoption fees are what cover majority of our expenses. At this time, I am using my personal funds to address rescue needs. If willing to help out, we have several donation options on our website.


If you, or someone you know, is genuine and serious about adopting one of our birds, we would love to hear from you. Be sure an application is submitted, and then message us to discuss.


It seriously makes my heart happy to get updates on birds we have adopted out previously. The random texts, emails, etc....

It seriously makes my heart happy to get updates on birds we have adopted out previously. The random texts, emails, etc. with updates always brighten my day. It shows me that the hard work I do every day for these birdies is worth every moment.

Please please please, don't ever hesitate to send me updates on birds you have adopted from us. It is what keeps me going when things are tough and it shows me the love that the Feathers Galore community has for our birds.

Feel free to comment below with an update on any birds you've adopted from us! If you don't want to post publicly below, send me a text, email me, or message me on this page. Whatever works for you. ❤️

**Emu pic, just for fun 😁. These guys are goofy and make life interesting here at Feathers Galore!***

Let's discuss parakeets for a bit!Parakeets are the  #1 surrendered/rehomed bird. Why are they surrendered so often? Let...

Let's discuss parakeets for a bit!

Parakeets are the #1 surrendered/rehomed bird. Why are they surrendered so often? Let's talk about some parakeet facts.

1. They are a cheap introduction to bird ownership. I typically see them for about $20-$25 in most pet stores. This makes them more likely to be an impulse purchase.

2. They are very easy to find and purchase. Pretty much every pet store sells parakeets.

3. They breed quickly and easily, so it doesn't take much effort for stores to obtain parakeets and for owners to end up with multiple babies.

4. They are pretty low maintenance. They are not typically tame, so they tend to be pretty hands off birds. Just feed/water them and keep their cage clean.

5. They are super social and tend to do well in flocks, so most parakeet owners will have 2-10+ parakeets.

Because of their low cost and easy accessibility, parakeets tend to end up in homes that are not FOREVER homes. They are often purchased for children as their first pet, as white noise for a quiet household, or as a temporary companion. However, these situations tend to make them disposable. Many children don't want the work of taking care of a pet every day and the parents are often quick to rehome the bird rather than take on the commitment of the bird themselves. I've also heard many other surrender reasons like "I'm going to college and can't take it with me", "I'm moving", "I don't want to take care of them anymore", "I got a new dog/cat that doesn't get along with the birds", etc. In each of these reasons, I often hear a lack of commitment. It breaks my heart that these birds are often so disposable. They have feelings and personalities if you take the time to see it.

If I accepted every parakeet surrender that has been requested this year (just since January of 2024), I would have well over 100-200+ parakeets! This is an absolutely insane number. In addition, I struggle to find adopters and end up having to give them away for free most of the time. In most instances, I am directing parakeet surrenders to local rehoming groups on Facebook. I simply don't have the space for the 100+ parakeet surrenders requested this year.

So my question to you is, how do we address this epidemic? In what ways can we help reduce the need for parakeet (and other birds!) surrenders?

Big Bird and I wanted to discuss our visitation policy for a moment. I often get inquiries about wanting to visit the bi...

Big Bird and I wanted to discuss our visitation policy for a moment.

I often get inquiries about wanting to visit the birds before submitting an application. While I understand wanting to do this, our policy currently is visits only if your adoption application is selected. An application must be submitted to show your interest.


While no justification should be needed in how we choose to run the rescue, I wanted to give a little insight into why we approach things the way that we do. Please remember that most of your small rescues are run by individuals like myself. We are understaffed, underfunded, and often running things out of our personal homes. We are not zoos for you to visit. We are people trying to help animals in need with whatever space we have available and whatever funds we can find to do so.

We do this for a few reasons:

1. This is not a zoo or place of entertainment. The rescue is run out of my home. I simply don't want a lot of strangers coming and going from my home (which I'm sure most of you would agree with).

2. This rescue is run primarily by ONE person. I have to put everything else (my job, my family, my personal life, etc.) on hold when we have a visitor. So my available time can be very limited.

3. Our task is to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome birds in need. This work is simply not possible when we constantly have visitors here. Many of the birds are scared of people. Progress can often be slow. Having visitors in their personal space can cause unnecessary stress to the birds and cause them to back track in their progress. I have to keep the bird's needs as my #1 priority.

I appreciate the understanding and hope that you all understand that I am doing what is in the best interest of the birds in my care. They are my #1 priority ❤️

This cutie pie is boarding with us while his parents are away. He's enjoying some play time on our playground wall 😊When...

This cutie pie is boarding with us while his parents are away. He's enjoying some play time on our playground wall 😊

When your birdies stay with us, they are treated like family. They get treats, play time, and become part of our daily routine. We want you to have peace of mind that your birdies are loved and cared for in your absence.


These two cuties joined the Feathers Galore family yesterday. Please take a moment to welcome Wesley & Buttercup! ❤️I wi...

These two cuties joined the Feathers Galore family yesterday. Please take a moment to welcome Wesley & Buttercup! ❤️

I will get their story/info posted on our website in the next couple days. You will be able to find that here when it gets posted:

***Adoption Spotlight**Lucy & Desi are looking for their forever home.  Why would they make a great addition to your fam...

***Adoption Spotlight**

Lucy & Desi are looking for their forever home. Why would they make a great addition to your family? Well let's see:

1. They are a bonded pair. They are super fun to watch interact with each other. Their love for each other is super cute to observe, even if they have little "sibling" spats on occasion.

2. They have a LOT of personality. They are goofy, social, and happy birds. They love to be talked to and get super excited about food (especially Desi!). Lucy loves to play and destroy toys. She gets excited when new toys are added to the cage.

3. They both love to be out of their cage and love to fly. They are both pretty controlled flyers and love having the room to explore their surroundings.

Things to keep in mind if interested in Lucy & Desi:

1. They must be adopted and must remain together. These birds have been together for over 20 years. Separating them would likely cause anxiety/depression issues.

2. They are not super tame birds. They do enjoy people and interacting with people, but (so far) have not displayed any interest in being held or much physical interaction beyond a few pets at a time.

3. They really enjoy their "out of cage time" and should be given plenty of space for this. They enjoy flying and exploring. It would be recommended to have a separate room for them if you have other pets or anything that may interfere with this.

4. Adopting two birds at the same time is a BIG commitment. Learning two bird's personalities, providing care for two birds, etc. can be a little challenging. Be sure you are prepared for this commitment before applying.

If interested in adopting these two, please visit our website to start the adoption process:

Are you looking for a bird sitter while you are on vacation? Do you need a place for your bird while doing some home ren...

Are you looking for a bird sitter while you are on vacation?
Do you need a place for your bird while doing some home renovations?
Do you need a place for your bird to go for a few day while you study for finals?

Whatever the reason, we are happy to provide a safe and loving environment for your bird.

We offer boarding here at Feathers Galore!
Rate: $10/day per bird

Details can be found here:

Are you looking for your next (forever!) feathered friend?  Check out our adoptable birdies, read about our adoption pro...

Are you looking for your next (forever!) feathered friend? Check out our adoptable birdies, read about our adoption process, and submit your application here:


I saw this in another group and thought it would be a fun question to ask the Feathers Galore community. So tell me... h...

I saw this in another group and thought it would be a fun question to ask the Feathers Galore community.

So tell me... how many birds do you have? Will you be adding to your flock?

Just what I consider my personal pets, NOT including Feather Galore's adoptable birds, I have:
1 Blue & Gold Macaw
1 Yellow Naped Amazon
1 Umbrella Cockatoo
1 Green Cheek Conure
2 Indian Ringnecks
1 Cockatiel
About 30 ducks/chickens
2 Emus
(And a handful of other non-feathered creatures)

And no, I have no intent to add to my flock. It's pretty much a zoo around here, and it keeps me busy enough as it is! 🙂

Saw this today and thought it was pretty accurate! If Feathers Galore were to create a similar sign, what would you put ...

Saw this today and thought it was pretty accurate!

If Feathers Galore were to create a similar sign, what would you put on it to catch someone's attention about parrot ownership?

Our sweet Alex was adopted today! I loved watching this bird grow and change from the time she entered the rescue until ...

Our sweet Alex was adopted today! I loved watching this bird grow and change from the time she entered the rescue until now. From a timid bird to one that loved head scratches, from a scared bird to one that was happy to be held, and from dull feathers to bright new feathers.... this sweetheart changed so much in her short time with us. We are thankful for the moments we were able to enjoy with her and wish her the best of luck on her new adventure!

This adorable sweetheart joined Feathers Galore about a week ago. I've simply been too busy to get her posted on here un...

This adorable sweetheart joined Feathers Galore about a week ago. I've simply been too busy to get her posted on here until now. Sorry!

Please welcome Baby to the Feathers Galore family!

All of her information and the adoption process can be found here:

Our sweetheart Alex had her vet visit today. She is now ready for her adoption to finalize next week. We are super excit...

Our sweetheart Alex had her vet visit today. She is now ready for her adoption to finalize next week. We are super excited for her and her new adventure 😊

Tasha joined the Feathers Galore family yesterday.  She is looking a little rough, but hopefully, we can work on that a ...

Tasha joined the Feathers Galore family yesterday. She is looking a little rough, but hopefully, we can work on that a bit while she is here. She came from a home that acknowledged they were not providing her the love and care that she needed.

It's very difficult to admit when you are not giving an animal what it needs, and I'm really proud of people who are brave enough to do that. One of the things that I take pride in is that we are a JUDGEMENT-FREE rescue. I will never judge you for caring enough about a bird to find it a better place. I don't ever want someone to feel like they will be judged or looked down upon. We are here to help birds in need. Our job is to love feathered creatures that need us, not to place judgment on anyone. Please know that we are a safe space for you if you ever need to use our service. ♥️

I try not to use this page to promote my personal business often, but thought this was something other bird parents migh...

I try not to use this page to promote my personal business often, but thought this was something other bird parents might enjoy. My art business Barrels Galore is what allows me to stay home and work with our rescue birdies full-time, so it's obviously important to me (and the birdies!).

I finished handpainting this custom door hanger for one of our amazing volunteers yesterday. I'll have to make another one for myself. I love it so much!

If you want a handpainted portrait of your feathered friend(s), reach out to me at Barrels Galore 🙂


All of our available adoptable birdies are listed on our website. We have a handful of birdies looking for their forever...

All of our available adoptable birdies are listed on our website. We have a handful of birdies looking for their forever homes.

We are looking for adopters with lots of love of patience to give a bird in need. It takes a special person(s) to love a rescue bird. These guys often require more love, attention, and dedication. If you have what it takes, be sure to submit an application!

I will be updating the website today with some general observations/updates on each of the birdies. It takes time to get to know a bird, so we will always try to update our comments as we get to know each bird more.


We would like to introduce Izzie to the Feathers Galore family!  Izzie was surrendered to us a few days ago.  He is pret...

We would like to introduce Izzie to the Feathers Galore family! Izzie was surrendered to us a few days ago. He is pretty timid and scared at the moment, so we are giving him time to get settled in and to hopefully relax a little bit.

To learn more about Izzie (or the rest of our adoptable birds!), please visit our adoption page:

Check out the improvement in Alex in just under 2 months! Her feathers have started growing back in, the color of those ...

Check out the improvement in Alex in just under 2 months! Her feathers have started growing back in, the color of those feathers is getting brighter and more vibrant, and the pictures don't even begin to show the change in her personality. Every day she shows me a little more of her adorable personality. She loves to dance, loves mixed nuts, and loves attention. She's even started allowing some petting!


My birthday is this week! As you guys know, the birdies here at Feathers Galore mean the absolute world to me. Caring for the birdies here at Feathers Galore is what gets me out of bed and motivates me to work as hard as I do each and every day. Seeing these birds change from the time they enter my care until the time they are adopted to loving and caring families makes my heart so happy 🥰

The best birthday present this year would be making sure the birdies have the funds for everything they need. Food, toys, cleaning supplies, other misc. supplies, and vet bills can get pretty expensive. Every penny helps! Whether you can give $5 or $100, I hope you will consider donating to my birthday fundraiser for the feathered friends here at Feathers Galore

Thank you so much for all your love and support! It truly means the world to me (and the birdies!!) to have the support of our bird loving community.


You can also donate in other ways:

Send a message to learn more

We've had a busy couple days! These two sweethearts found the most amazing homes and have left for their new adventures....

We've had a busy couple days! These two sweethearts found the most amazing homes and have left for their new adventures. We are so excited for them!

Good luck Abby and Skittles! We will miss you ❤️

Now THIS is the face of a happy bird! We discovered today that newspaper is fun to destroy. How cute is this?! ❤️ I love...

Now THIS is the face of a happy bird!

We discovered today that newspaper is fun to destroy. How cute is this?! ❤️

I love watching birds as they grow and change during their time here. Like when a scared timid one discovers life can be fun when you shred all the newspaper you want... that makes those difficult days worth every moment!

We have some of the prettiest and silliest birds here at Feathers Galore! Skittles was being cute and silly today, but a...

We have some of the prettiest and silliest birds here at Feathers Galore! Skittles was being cute and silly today, but also wasn't afraid to show me when she was done and feeling overstimulated. Learning your bird's body language is an important step in building a connection. I try to learn as much about the bird's communication skills as I can before adoption so I can share this info with the new adopters. Hopefully this helps in the transition process and makes it a little easier when they go to their new homes ❤️

Want to adopt? All of our adoption info can be found here:


South Preston Highway
Lebanon Junction, KY


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