John Mock Family Rabbitry

John Mock Family Rabbitry Producing quality Dutch and Netherland Dwarfs
specializing in Dilute & Agouti Varieties

Had a great time this past weekend at Grand Finals in Syracuse, NY.  The state rabbit group in NY was very welcoming, an...

Had a great time this past weekend at Grand Finals in Syracuse, NY. The state rabbit group in NY was very welcoming, and we were thrilled to make it back to Grand Finals again. Grand Finals (or as we affectionately call it, NYSRBA), is a big deal, with lots of great breeders and exceptional looking rabbits. As such, we were honored that JP's Tinkerbell (Lilac Jr Doe) was selected BOSB in show A and the Dutch Specialty show and that JP's Tempest (Blue Jr Doe) was selected BOSB in Show C. Pictures are below. We were especially thrilled to win our first BOB or BOSB in the relatively new lilac variety.

Congrats go to Karen and Becky Coombe (BOB in Show B with a gorgeous Lilac Sr Doe) and Jean and Harold Smith and Kate Smith-Conklin who earned BOB with a Black Buck in Show A (he's a handsome devil) and BOSB in Show B and BOB in Show C and the Dutch Specialty Show with two different tort bucks that are just incredible animals in every way.

One thing to note in the pictures below are the AWESOME awards Grand Finals and the people at NYSRBA invest in for BOSB honorees. Trophies and plaques...beautiful handmade gracious. For all of our District 9 friends, we cannot recommend enough that you really make every effort to attend Grand Finals. We doubt you will regret it. Great people, great rabbits, great competition, great friends, great awards, and great judging. Thanks again to all who made it possible.

Happy 4th of July, fellow rabbit breeders!  In celebration, pictured below are the first EVER Chinchilla Dutch born at J...

Happy 4th of July, fellow rabbit breeders! In celebration, pictured below are the first EVER Chinchilla Dutch born at John Mock Family Rabbitry. These rabbits are out of a doe we obtained from Cassie and Ashlyn Manger and a buck from Carol Vasko, so we must thank them first and foremost. Also, none of this would be possible without the hard work of Renee Snider. Hopefully one of these cuties is nice enough to see a show table in the Fall. Happy Independence Day!

We are honored and thrilled that JP's Tangerine, Golden Yellow Jr Doe, was awarded  BOV in her very first show today!  C...

We are honored and thrilled that JP's Tangerine, Golden Yellow Jr Doe, was awarded BOV in her very first show today! Can't wait to watch this doe develop🙂

When you get the variety win over your dad.....and he's got his own opinions about it🤣🤣JP's Brie (Golden Yellow Sr Doe) ...

When you get the variety win over your dad...
..and he's got his own opinions about it🤣🤣

JP's Brie (Golden Yellow Sr Doe) and Jill's Wild Golden Ticket (Golden Yellow Sr Buck)

We had a great time in NJ this weekend.  Thanks to NJSRCBA and MARCS for putting on a very nice show.  We were extremely...

We had a great time in NJ this weekend. Thanks to NJSRCBA and MARCS for putting on a very nice show. We were extremely honored for JP's Magpie (RGC pending) to get a shout out for BIS on Saturday!

Saturday Show A:
BOB - RGC JP's Teak (gray Sr buck)

Saturday Show B:
BOB - JP's Magpie (steel Sr doe)
BOSB - JP's R***r (steel Sr buck)

Sunday Show C:
BOB - JP's Pigeon (steel Jr doe)
BOSB - RGC JP's Teak (gray Sr buck)

Sunday Dutch Specialty:
BOB - JP's Cashmere (blue Sr doe)
BOSB - RGC JP's Teak (gray Sr buck)

Also, a HUGE congratulations to Mackenzie Kratsch for BOSB Sat Show A with her Tort Jr doe - AND for her first place finish in 2023 NJ Sweeps! You rock, Mackenzie!!❤

Additionally, our Netherland Dwarfs made a showing this weekend and we were thrilled for JP's Bertram (black otter Sr buck) who took his very first BOV against some AWESOME competition!

We lost a great one yesterday at John Mock Family Rabbitry.  JP's Royal passed away after complications from having a li...

We lost a great one yesterday at John Mock Family Rabbitry. JP's Royal passed away after complications from having a litter (her 17th! The three babies are all doing well on foster mom's, mercifully). Royal, who was coming up on her fifth birthday, wasn't the most beautiful show rabbit in the world. I'm not sure she saw many show tables at all. For this reason, the attached might be the only picture ever taken of her. Her stops were a bit long and she was one of those does who could take or leave human contact, so we made her a brood doe. Here, she excelled.

And I mean, EXCELLED. She was protective of each and every one of her kits, to the point where she let us know she was watching when we fed her while she was on a litter. I'm willing to wager everyone has a brood doe like that in their barn, and if you're like us, while you're not thrilled about the behavior, if the doe raises her babies, you're happy to let it go.

Speaking of raising four years as a brood doe, Royal raised 16 litters (4 litters a year). NInety-two rabbits were kindled in these litters (nearly 6 rabbits a litter). Eighty of them were raised to the age of weaning (87% survival rate). Yes, this proves that I keep stats on my brood does like a REAL rabbit nerd. But it also proves the quality of this doe as a brood animal.

It's alway sad to lose a rabbit, but I look around the barn at our blue brood does and am heartened. JP's Whitney is durrently on a litter. She's a Royal daughter. JP's Zara is on a litter. She's a Royal grand-daughter. So is JP's Madison, currently bred. Royal may be gone but her legacy and what she brought to our blue program will live on ... top off our great start to 2024, we welcomed 3 new Dutch litters today!RGC JP's Chai (gray), RGC JP's Chickad...
01/02/2024 top off our great start to 2024, we welcomed 3 new Dutch litters today!

RGC JP's Chai (gray), RGC JP's Chickadee (steel), and JP's Zara (blue) all kindled while we were working in the barn. I managed to grab a quick shot of Chai and Chick's babies - this is Zara's first litter, and she literally JUST finished, so I'm not rocking the boat too much with her tonight.

Hoping everyone had a very GOLDEN (yellow) start to 2024😂  Today, we're celebrating this promising litter out of Decaden...

Hoping everyone had a very GOLDEN (yellow) start to 2024😂

Today, we're celebrating this promising litter out of Decadent Dutch's Gold Leaf and Jill's Wild Hawkins❤

Happy New Year from John Mock Family Rabbitry!  A week off for both of us meant lots of time in the barn cleaning, breed...

Happy New Year from John Mock Family Rabbitry! A week off for both of us meant lots of time in the barn cleaning, breeding, and evaluating pre-juniors. The pictures below are of rabbits we hope will be coming to show tables near us in 2024 (the usual warning about my poor photography skills and the behavior of pre-juniors in holding a correct pose apply).

Worthy of special mention is a litter out of RGC JP's LaSorda and Desidedly Dutch's Zoe: Zoe, already one of the top 5 (at minimum) most reliable brood does in our barn, raised a litter of EIGHT, seven of which were show marked. Now...there are 5 bucks and 2 does, but beggers can't be choosers. In honor of their dam, all 7 babies were given Z-names.

Again, Happy New Year to everyone! We hope to see you all with BOB contenders in 2024!

Ended a busy but enjoyable month of November shows yesterday.In Maryland last week, JP's Cassiopeia (Steel Sr Doe) was a...

Ended a busy but enjoyable month of November shows yesterday.

In Maryland last week, JP's Cassiopeia (Steel Sr Doe) was awarded BOSB in show A and BOB in show B, where she was joined by JP's Teak (Gray Sr Buck) as BOSB. A youth breeder took home BOB in show A with a devastatingly handsome tort buck...always a thrill for us to see motivated youth breeders succeed.

Yesterday in Lehigh Valley JP's Magpie (Steel Jr Doe) was awarded Best in Breed in Show A, opposite a gorgeous Black Buck of Sheila Wiltshire's as BOSB. In Show B, JP's Commodore (Blue Sr Buck) was BOB and JP's Madison (Blue Sr Doe) BOSB. Pictures are below.

We are honored to be recognized among our fellow breeders, all of whom are not only exceptional breeders but people we're proud to call friends. Especially worthy of congrats are the previously mentioned Sheila Wiltshire, Annie Robinette (her steels had a magnificent debut yesterday, and have some class and variety victories to show for it), and the many youth breeders we are privileged to assist as we can to perpetuate and grow this wonderful hobby.

We hope to see everyone in New Jersey in mid December...both us and our rabbits will be taking a break until then.

The show tables are wrapping up at the 100th ARBA Convention in Louisville, KY.  After a somewhat disappointing showing ...

The show tables are wrapping up at the 100th ARBA Convention in Louisville, KY.
After a somewhat disappointing showing in Open Dutch (all 10 of my guys "No Placed"), I was thrilled beyond measure that my Golden Yellow Jr Doe, JP's Lari, was awarded BOSV in the AOV Exhibition! It was even sweeter to share it with dear friend, Jill Pfaff, whose stunning Jr Buck was BOV. Jill has been an invaluable member of our rabbit family and is the reason we have stuck it out with raising and developing Golden Yellows. The icing on the cake? Golden Yellows PASSED!!! We have a new Dutch variety!!

On top of it all, I have learned so much this week. Primarily this: my goal as a breeder and exhibitor is, and has always been, to make our beloved Dutch even better. Every animal that I presented at Convention, the "no placed" or otherwise, is a lovely representation of the breed. I'm proud of the progress our rabbitry has made and I'm proud of the animals that we are consistently producing. "Breed hard, cull harder" has always been my mantra and I believe the animals presented here this week show that. And while we may not always be able to soar above all the competition, our animals reflect the work and dedication of those involved in our breeding program. There may not have been any firsts, but we are going home winners, nonetheless.

Congratulations to all the lovely animals and exhibitors here this week. It has truly been an experience I won't soon forget ❤

Had a great day in NJ yesterday.JP's Cinnamon (Gray Jr Doe) was BOS in Show A, and JP's Periwinkle (Blue Jr Doe) was BOB...

Had a great day in NJ yesterday.

JP's Cinnamon (Gray Jr Doe) was BOS in Show A, and JP's Periwinkle (Blue Jr Doe) was BOB in Show B with JP's Poseidon (Blue Jr Buck) BOS.

Then in Show B we were honored as 2nd Reserve in Show with JP's Periwinkle. Quite a thrill for us.

Thanks to all that helped make this show a reality. Congrats to Sheila Wilshire for her BOB win in Show A with a blue buck and to all the other breed/show winners.


John Mock Family Rabbitry has the following rabbits "house hunting" (it's time for prep for fall breedings, folks):

Two Dutch Blue Jr Does:

JP's Persia: DOB 04/26/23 JP's Admiral x JP's Royal
JP's Zuri: DOB 03/29/23 JP's Admiral x Decidedly Dutch's Zoe

One Dutch Blue Jr Buck:

JP's Poseidon: DOB 04/09/23 Dutch Daisies' Navy x JP's Sapphire

Four (yep...FOUR) Dutch Jr Gray Bucks:

JP's Barley & JP's Monk: DOB 02/04/23 JP's Knox x RGC JP's Chai

JP's TarTar & JP's Teak: DOB 03/14/23 JP's Tonka x JP's Marigold

These are two pairs of littermates, the older two of which will be Sr Bucks at the end of the week. These four are so close (legit; thisfreakingclose) in quality that judges always (and I mean think I'm kidding...I am not) put the four in different orders on show tables. Mr. Monk (as we call him) has two GC legs.

All four deserve programs. The younger two are so sweet in personality; would be great fits for a youth breeder.

One Dutch Lilac Jr Doe:

JP's Betsy Ross: DOB 02/21/23 Decidedly Dutch's Moby x Gail's Serenity

One Dutch Tort Sr Doe:

JP's GN Carly: DOB 12/05/22 Royal Color's Machiavelli x Royal Color's Cora

Earned 1 leg before a hay poke caused a flesh spot in her nose and her to be DQd on some tables. Not genetic, of course, and this doe could really benefit a breeding program.

One Dutch Tort Jr Buck:

JP's GN Marshall: DOB 03/15/23 Royal Color's Machiavelli x Royal Color's Lunatic

One Dutch Tort Jr Doe:

JP's GN Cream: DOB 03/29/23 Royal Color's Machiavelli x Royal Color's Cora

DM for more information; pics avaialble upon request.

Had a great day at the Collegeville show today!  JP's Mustard (gray Sr buck) took BOS in Show A and BOB in Show B.

Had a great day at the Collegeville show today! JP's Mustard (gray Sr buck) took BOS in Show A and BOB in Show B.


John Mock Family Rabbitry has the following bunnies looking for new addresses:

Dutch Sr Chocolate Buck
American Fuzzy Lop Sr Solid "Sable" Point Buck
American Fuzzy Lop Sr Tort Buck
American Fuzzy Lop Pre-Jr Broken Tort Buck
Netherland Dwarf Sr Black Otter Doe
Netherland Dwarf Sr Silver Marten Buck

All animals (except the pre-jr, of course) are proven. We are located in Lebanon, PA but will work with transport and will be travelling to shows every weekend throught the end of the month (National Capitol, NJ, and then Collegeville) so we'd be happy to meet anyone interested there.

DM if interested. PIcs available.

Had a great night in the barn tonight looking at golden yellow litters!  A couple of two month old does, a few one month...

Had a great night in the barn tonight looking at golden yellow litters! A couple of two month old does, a few one month olds still in with their mom, a few two week olds in a nest box, and a litter of 5 two day olds.

Thanks to Jill Pfaff, without whom none of this would be happening. She's the best...I made a saying using the letters in her last name (P-F-A-F-F) that would be inappropriate to put in this space so the Amazing-Fantastic-Fabulous ending will have to do for now.

So excited about the future of this variety in our rabbitry!

PS-The other pictures are of the cutest Dutch mismark you'll ever see...

We had a great time at NC Convention this weekend!  There was a beautiful lineup of Dutch and JP's Mustard (gray jr buck...

We had a great time at NC Convention this weekend! There was a beautiful lineup of Dutch and JP's Mustard (gray jr buck) added a BOS to his show record.


Lebanon, PA



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