Kali, a 1 year old domestic shorthair cat, was presented to Dr. Simon for trouble walking. Her problem was localized to the diffuse neuromuscular system. After several tests she was diagnosed with presumptive immune-mediated polyneuropathy. She started to improve immediately
after treatment was started! This is a video of her at her first appointment and one at her first recheck (in the comments) She continues to improve daily and we can't wait to see her again!
Look who sprung out of the hospital!!! Rowan! And he’s feeling great! @outcastrescue
When the naked cat is too cold in the ICU. Problem solved!!
Miracle Molly
Miracle Molly
Molly is walking and eating. She is brighter every day. We are on day 7 which is a huge milestone. But we are still not through this. Molly was supposed to be featured on the news today to spread awareness about these deadly mushrooms but unfortunately the media canceled on us. So we hope you continue to share her posts to protect other animals and humans as well! Molly’s owners have set up a fundraiser called “Walk a Mile for Molly”. It is on 11/12 at 10 am at the Baptist Camp on Blossom Hill Road. Molly asks that you please wear purple as that is her favorite color. We do not normally post fundraisers on our social media but feel so strongly about getting the word out about these deadly mushrooms that we are sharing! Lots of Molly’s fans from Crown will be there! You can learn more about the “Walk a Mile” wearing purple on https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-help-us-safe-molly. How many people think we can get Dr. Panarello to wear all purple?!