Very good info to be sure pets make it back to their true owner. Lots of bad people, flippers, and hoarders out there so be diligent!
Folks, we are pleading with you. Unless a found animal is wearing an identification tag, allowing you to directly contact the person whose information is on that tag, please for the love of all that is good in this world, just turn the dog over to Animal Control! We don’t urge people to do so because we want to punish the owners, we say it to prevent awful things like this from happening.
This individual has a lengthy history of prowling free pet pages and town Facebook groups from all over the state, looking for free animals. Yesterday, they attempted to claim ownership of a found dog, even going so far as to completely fabricate multiple veterinary documents when we requested proof. Fortunately, this ain’t our first rodeo and we know BOGUS when we see it. Plus, by the time this individual had even contacted us in hopes of picking up this cute little fella, he was already safe at home with his rightful family, so clearly this was a bit suspicious!
This situation really gives us pause though; how many pets have accidentally been handed right over to fauxners, just like this individual, by the well-meaning folks who found them wandering and were just trying to do the right thing? It pains us to think about the families who never see their beloved pets again and never learn what became of them.
To try and avoid that heartbreak, we’d like to stress some main takeaways and tips:
* We would *very* strongly urge you to relinquish roamers to Animal Control instead of posting on Facebook trying to find the owner yourself. You can always make a post to inform whoever the owner may be that their pet was found and is now safe and sound at the shelter. We will be able to CONFIRM that someone attempting to claim ownership is indeed the rightful owner before returning the pet.
* Keep current ID, rabies, and town license tags on your dogs! That way a finder can contact you directly if at all possible. Also, having up-to-date veterinary history and a current town license helps you to prove ownership should your pet escape and you’re trying to redeem it from us!
* MICROCHIP YOUR PETS!!! Then make sure you register those microchips with your information, and maintain current contact information with the microchip company at all times! Microchipping allows shelters and veterinary hospitals to locate a wandering animal’s owner right away. Further, should someone steal your pet, heaven forbid, microchip information can help prove ownership and aid you in the return of your beloved pet!
At the end of the day, we are SO glad we were able to ensure this situation turned out the way it did, with this pup safe at home with his real family.
We would like to think that this individual has learned their lesson. However, we aren’t so naive to believe this will be the last time anything like this ever happens again. Unfortunately, we know that it happens far too often. So let’s all take whatever precautions we can to keep pets, both our own and those of others, as safe as we possibly can.