Jackson has had a hard night last night. He is back on the tube feeding as he won’t eat which we think it is due to the nausea from the antibiotics they are pumping into him. We want to thank everyone who has donated to his go fund me account. We are still needing more donations as his care is costing about $2000 a day. And it must be paid upfront in order for him to continue treatment. If you can donate $10 or $20 this would be greatly appreciated. His funds are running out. We have to save this doodle. He is an amazing dog & I raised him as a newborn until he was 8 weeks old. Jennifer & her children will be destroyed if he can’t continue treatment. He didn’t have aspiration pneumonia but he has bacterial pneumonia. So he is in isolation. If you don’t feel comfortable doing it through the go fund me account we can give you the number to the UF animal hospital. Please if you cannot donate please share this post & please continue to pray for Jackson, Jennifer & the children.
My friend Jennifer's dog, Jackson, is very sick. He is currently at UF Animal Hosp… Paula Lancey Mayo needs your support for Donate to Jackson's Critical Care