Your "training" doesn't have to look like anyone elses.
There is tremendous pressure, among professionals, owners and riders to "Keep Up With The Jones". That pressure to ensure our results with horses adhere to spoken and unspoken rules of what things "should" look like.
We make these lists for ourselves, of the sort of things we should be able to get our horses to do, and then sign a 1000 year contract with our souls to never change that.
What if the word "training" did not trigger one, and only one image in your mind? What if "training" triggered a multitude of options?
Training can be, preparing for shows and competitions.
Training can be, 30-60-90 day c**t starting programs for the public
Training can be, 30-60-90 day boarding and fine tuning for older horses.
Training can be, rehabilitation of rescue horses and forgotten horses
Training can be, riding.
Training can be, non-ridden and groundwork only.
Training can be, highly active and athletic.
Training can be, absolutely not athletic but instead meditative and therapeutic
Training can be, classical dressage
Training can be, cowboy dressage
Training can be, academic dressage
Training can be, jumping
Training can be, eventing
Training can be, recreational
Training can be, mounted archery
Training can be, in ANY tack that fits you and the horse and doesn't cause damage
Training can be, with food rewards
Training can be, without food rewards
Training can be, without touch, from behind the fence, and conversations of eye gaze, gesture, movement and the relational field
Training can be, for horse enthusiasts
Training can be, for newbies and only half interested past timers
Training can be, for life skills and retirement only
Training can be, for the ambitious and horsemanship lover
Training can be, for you and only for you
Training can be, for the public, for a universally understood result
Training can be, just for your kids, or friends, or family members
Training can be, for others to enjoy
Training can be, just for you to enjoy
I can continue.
Whenever I hear someone, who trains horses, say that they struggle to call what they do training, I understood that in their mind they may be in a prison of belief that training should look a certain way or exist in a certain context. This is often reinforced for colleagues and local culture who put pressure on professionals to be a trainer for the public and make it look a certain way and be a certain way.
Fact is, you are free. Whether you are aware of that or not, you are free. Free in mind, body and spirit. Free to interpret horse training in ANY form you wish it to.
And if you are a professional who delivers any service to the public, be that a therapeutic and non-ridden program, or short stay programs for preparing ridden horses for the public, ensure that you know who you are, can define your perspective on YOUR terms not others, and that your horses are an accurate reflection of what you say you are.
Training can be ANYTHING. It is everything. The minute a horse is aware of you, training has begun.