Debby had plans for us but we still got to have two days of fun! We'll be back to ponies and puddles tomorrow for our last Tiny Riders of the summer
Another fun end to our week of camp. Despite the rain we got to play lots of games with our ponies!
Already had tons of fun this week, including many of the kids first time riding bareback!
Week 5 is halfway done! Our riders are doing a great job in and out of the arena
Several brand new riders this week! We got to ride, color ponies with chalk, and finally have another pony wedding! Looking forward to our next week of camp!
This week we had a pony wedding in addition to lots of fun riding and games
Looking forward to more great camp memories!
It's been a busy couple of camp days! Trail rides, arena practice, bareback, and finally pond swimming
We did get to ride! While we waited for the sky to clear we got to shear the sheep and pretty up the minis