Attention NAS Lemoore Pet Parents! We are here to help with your pet PCS needs and want to provide everyone with some destination highlights for the places we often send pets!
It is the owner’s responsibility to know and understand entry requirements for your destination, learn about Pet Travel online at: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/pet-travel
Search your country and find additional checklists and tips for travel!
Regulations do vary greatly by country. We at NAS Lemoore Veterinary Clinic are committed to providing outstanding service, please understand, our expertise is in veterinary care and not International Travel. We will follow government regulations for fulfillment of any medical treatments, vaccinations, submission of sample for the FAVN Test, and complete necessary forms related to your specific travel. Prior to appointments pets must be registered with the veterinary clinic and supporting documents provided including rabies vaccination certificate(s), other vaccination records, microchip information and any other documents required by the importing country.
Registration paperwork can be requested at [email protected] at any time!
*Please check the USDA website and YOUR airlines to obtain the most current information on necessary documentation for the country you are traveling to prior to appointments scheduled.*