Lord, never let her forget how important she is.
Never let her forget that no matter what task you put in front of her, it is necessary.
Even when it isn't glamorous.
Even when it is thankless.
Even when it feels tedious.
Especially when it isn't what she wants to be doing.
Remind her, when she feels jealous of other women's highlight reels, to be grateful for the blessings in her own life.
Remind her, when she feels less than - - that there isn't another woman like her in all the world.
Lord, when she worries about messing up, about failing at every single moment, please show her that she is doing exactly what you put her on this earth to do.
Remind her to lay her worries at Your feet, to let You carry the weight of her burdens, and to keep the faith.
Never let her forget she's doing the best she can.
And remind her that sometimes, stepping away or moving on is the bravest thing she can do.
❤️ Richelle