We are still Holcroft Acres! Many of you have noticed that our page was hacked. We are working to get full access (we still aren’t able to change our name back), but we are still here! For now, enjoy the puppies experiencing their first puppy food!
Starting to get more active!
Trailer packed with baby apple trees for this weekend’s conference! Mitten Homesteaders - Michigan #mittenhomesteaders #michiganhomestead #appletrees #homesteading #puremichigan #homesteaders #apples #holcroftacres
Bunnies and chickens and turkeys and ducks and peacocks. #homesteading #farmlife #turkeys #ducks #rabbit #bunnies #peacock
#appletree #appleorchard #oldhouse #abandonedplaces #homesteading #trees #grafting #holcroftacres
Apple trees are amazing. Plants have this desire to keep living even when the odds are against them. #resilience #appletree #appleorchard #oldhomestead #abandoned #abandonedplaces #homesteading #holcroftacres
I’m collecting the old homestead apples and grafting them for my orchard. Saved this one just in time! #apples #orchard #homesteading #history #holcroftacres
Storing scionwood after collecting is important. #applegrafting #scionwood #applescionwood #holcroftacres
An old tree on a friend’s property. Not sure the variety. Not sure if it’s named or came up wild. Going to graft to keep it going. #appletrees #applegrafting #oldtree #homesteading #holcroftacres
When collecting scionwood from old trees, sometimes the available scionwood is less than ideal. Thankfully it doesn’t take much to graft a new tree. #appletrees #applescionwood #applegraft #holcroftacres
Apple Scionwood. #scionwood #applegrowers #appletrees #appleorchard #homesteading #fruitarian #fruitsandveggies #apples #holcroftacres
Grafting apple trees. #michiganhomestead #homesteading #appletrees #appleorchard #holcroftacres