The Hidden Reef, Inc

The Hidden Reef, Inc Largest Aquarium Specialty Store in the Philadelphia Area.

Low Prices are our Claim to Fame.We did the Aquarium for MTV Real World in Philadelphia, a couple aquariums for a documentary for the Discovery Channel, featured in the TFH Magazine and Book


Asst Angel
Pea Puffer Dwarf
Glass Catfish
TadpoleRainbow Emerald
Oranda Red Black
Cory Leucomela


Small Tangerine Snowflake Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
Small Domino Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
Small Tangerine Picasso Grade A Clownfish (Amphirion percula)
Small Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
Small Black Ocellaris Clownfish (Darwin) (Amphiprion ocellaris)
Small Misbar Percula Clownfish (Amphiprion percula)
Small Tomato Clownfish (Amphiprion frenatus)
Small Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus)
Small Pink Skunk Clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion)
Small Clarkii Clownfish (Amphiprion clarkii)
Small Sebae Clownfish (Amphiprion sebae)
Small Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani)
Medium Neon Dottyback (Pseudochromis aldabraensis)
Small Sunrise Dottyback Pseudochromis Flavivertex)
Small Springeri Dottyback (Pseudochromis springeri)
Medium Black Neon Dottyback (P. springcri x P. aldabraensis)
Medium Striped Blenny (Meiacanthus grammistes)
Mocha Storm Longfin Clownfish (Amphiprion oeellaris) pair
Photon Storm Clownfish pair
Longfin Flurry Clownfish (Amphiprion oeellaris) pair
Mocha Longfin Clownfish (Amphiprion oeellaris) pair
Tangerine Snowflake Clownfish (Amphiprion oeellaris) pair -
Wide Bar Mocha Gladiator Clownfish (Amphiprion oeellaris) pair -
Nearly Naked Clownfish (Amphiprion oeellaris) pair
Tangerine Percules Clownfish (Amphirion percula) pair
Barberi Clownfish (Amphiprion barberi) pair

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2.5" Calathea 'Grey Feather' -Mini Maranta
2.5" Calathea lancifolia - Rattlesnake
2.5" Calathea 'Purple Rose'
2.5" Fittonia - Mini Pink
2.5" Philodendron 'Birken'
2.5" Fern - Heart Fern- Hcniionitis arifolia
2.5" Philodendron "Silver Sword"
2.5" Fern - Rabbit Foot
2.5" Peperomia species 'Bamboo Stalks'
2.5" Peperomia 'Coin'
2.5" Peperomia caperata 'Emerald Ripple Red'
2.5" Peperomia 'Ruby Glow' graveolcns
2.5" Peperomia obtusifolia variegata
2.5" Peperomia Puteolata
2.5" Peperomia rubella
2.5" Aeonium Kiwi
2.5" Aloe vera - Burn Plant
2.5" Crassula ovata minor - Dwarf Jade Plant
2.5" Crassula falcata - Propeller Plant
2.5" Portulacaria afra variegated
2.5" Senecio jacobsenii - Trailing Jade
2.5" Echeveria 'Blue Bird'
2.5" Echeveria purpureum
2.5" Haworthia Super fasciata
4" Philodendron gloriosum
4" Philodendron 'Black Gold'
4" Philodendron verrucosum
4" Philodendron Paraiso
4" Pitcher Plant- Nepenthes ’Alata’
4" Pitcher Plant- Nepenthes -’Gaya’
4" Pitcher Plant - Nepenthes- 'xRebecca Soper’

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Betta Male Lrg
Crowntail Betta Male Lrg
Hellboy Plakat Betta Male Lrg
Samurai Plakat Betta Male Lrg
Blue Gourami Reg
Gold Gourami Reg
Gold Honey Gourami Reg
Opaline Gourami Reg
Pygmy Pumilus Sparkling Gourami Reg
Albino Tiger Barb Med
Checkerboard Barb Reg
Neon Rosy Barb Reg
Redtail Tinfoil Barb Med
Tiger Barb Med
Assorted Corydoras Reg
Striped Raphael Catfish Reg
Bristlenose Pleco L144a Florida Sml
Colombian Spotted Pleco L165 Med
Upside Down Catfish Reg
Assorted Fancy Angel Med
Blue Diamond Discus Reg
Red Marlboro Discus Reg
Assorted African Cichlid Sml
Daffodil Neolamprologus Brichardi Cichlid Lrg
Giant Danio Reg
Longfin Gold Zebra Danio Reg
Assorted Butterfly Telescope Goldfish Med
Assorted Ryukin Goldfish Med
Tri-Color Thai Oranda Goldfish Reg
Golden Wonder Killie Reg
Clown Knife Med
Assorted Crescent Platy Med
Bumblebee Platy Reg
Red Platy Med
24-Karat Tuxedo Platy Med
Assorted Fancy Guppy Female Med
Assorted Premium Guppy Male Med
Black Molly Med
Dalmatian Molly Reg
Assorted Balloon Molly Reg
Assorted Sailfin Molly Med
Assorted Lyretail Swordtail Reg
Black Swordtail Reg
Pineapple Candy Swordtail Sml
African Butterfly Reg
Exodon Paradoxus Reg
Spotted Gar SA Med
Avocado Puffer Reg
Figure Eight Puffer Lrg
Chinese Algae Eater Reg
Otocinclus Reg
Siamese Algae Eater Reg
Bala Shark Reg
Iridescent Shark Reg
Rainbow Shark Med
Redtail Shark Reg
Black Neon Tetra Reg
Black Skirt Tetra Reg
Bleeding Heart Tetra Reg
Buenos Aires Tetra Reg
Cardinal Tetra Med
Diamond Tetra Reg
Head & Tail Lite Tetra Reg
Assorted Fruit Tetra Reg
Silver Dollar Reg
Grey African Clawed Frog Reg
African Dwarf Frog Reg
Lightning Nerite Snail Reg

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Cory Habrosus
Cory Matae
Cory Green Aneus
Cory Albino
Kuhli Loach


200 Grade A Frags just arrived.


Herichthys Steindachneri
Chiapaheros Grammodes
Hypselecara Coryphanoides F0
Amatitlania Nanoluteus
Hypselecara Coryphanoides F1
Hypselecara Temporalis
Amphilophus Istlanum
Herichthys Steindachneri breeding trio M 2 F

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Purple Tangs
Sohal Tang
Asfur Angel
Semilarvatus BF
Maculosus Angel
Hammer Coral


Bar Check Goby
Hasbrosus Cory
Parrot Polar
Parrot Platinum White
Salvini Cichlids
Gold Sevrums
Blue Shrimp
Bamboo Shrimp
Shrimp Rili
Chocolate Shrimp
Gold Shrimp
Orange Shrimp
Shrimp Fire Red Sakur
Betta Male
German Ram
Harlequin Rasbora
Cardinal Tetra
Glo Lite Tetra
Lemon Tetra
Neon Tetra
Red Eye Tetra
Rummy Nose Tetra
Silver Tip Tetra
White Cloud
Midas Blenny Golden
Diamond Goby
Yellow Belly Hippo Tang
Blue Eye Kole Tang
Fire Shrimp
Emperor Angel


AMBULIA (Limnophila indica)
BACOPA (Bacopa caroliniana)
GREEN CABOMBA (Cabomba caroliniana)
HYGROPHILA ARAGUAIA (Hygrophila araguaia)
LLOYDIELLA (Lysimachia nummularia)
GOLDEN LLOYDIELLA (Lysimachia nummularia)
BROAD LEAF LUDWIGIA (Ludwigia repens)
CUBAN LUDWIGIA (L. inclinata v. verticill ’C)
NARROW LEAF LUDWIGIA (Ludwigia palustris)
NEEDLE LEAF LUDWIGIA (Ludwigia arcuata)
MONEYWORT (Bacopa monnieri)
ROTALA INDICA (Rotala rotundifolia)
ROTALA NANJENSHAN (Rotala nanjenshan)
WISTERIA (Hygrophila difformis)
AMAZON SWORD MD (Echinodorus bleheri)
MELON SWORD MD (Echinodorus osiris)
ORIENTAL SWORD MD (Echinodorus ‘Oriental’)
OZELOT SWORD MD (Echinodorus ’Ozelot’)
ROSETTE MD (Echinodorus parviflorus ‘Tropica’)
RUFFLE SWORD MD (Echinodorus martii)
BARTERI LG (Anubias barteri var. 'Round
FRAZERI MD (Anubias ‘Frazeri’)
NANA MD (Anubias barteri var. nana)
CRYPT SPIRALIS MD (Cryptocoryne spiralis)
BRONZE WENDTII MD (Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Tropi
CRYPT GREEN WENDTII MD (Cryptocoryne wendtii
RED WENDTII MD (Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Mi Oya’I)
CORKSCREW VAL(Vallisneria americana var. biwae
JUNGLE VAL (Vallisneria americana var. americana
SUBULATA BUNCH (Sagittaria subulata)
CRISPUS MD (Aponogeton crispus)
CARDINAL PLANT (Lobelia Cardinalis ‘Small For)
JAVA FERN (Microsorium pteropus)
WATER SPRITE MD (Ceratopteris thalictroides)
NANA POT (Anubias barter! var. nana)
DWARF BABY TEARS POT(Hemianthus callitrichoi)
C. UNDULATA POT (Cryptocoryne undulata)
C. BRONZE WENDTII POT (Cryptocoryne wendtii)
C. GREEN WENDTII POT (Cryptocoryne wendtii)
C. RED WENDTII POT (Cryptocoryne wendtii)
DWARF HAIRGRASS POT (Eleocharis acicularis)
DWARF SAGITTARIA POT (Sagittaria subulata)
WATER SPRITE POT (Ceratopteris thalictroides)
WISTERIA POT (Hygrophila difformis)
AMAZON MOTHER POT (Echinodorus bleheri)spp

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Starry Blenny
Rainfordi Goby
Sally Lightfoot Crab
TigerTail Cucumber
Nassarius Snail
Screaming Green Seriatopora
Candy Apple Stylocoeniella
Strawberry Lemonade Cyphastrea
Bicolor Angel; Fiji - Centropyge bicolor
Coral Beauty Angel - Centropyge bispinosus
Flame Angel; Mar. - Centropyge loricula
Flameback Angel; Afr. - Centropyge acanthops
Orange (Blue Eye) Anthias; Female - Pseudanthias squamipinnis
To***co Basslet; Atl. - Serranus tabacarius
Bicolor Blenny; Female - Ecsenius bicolor
Lawnmower Blenny - Salarias fasciatus
Ruby Red Dragonette - Synchiropus sycorax
Scooter Blenny - Synchiropus ocellatus
Striped Cateyc (Zebra) Blenny - Meiacanthus grammistes
Tailspot Blenny - Ecsenius stigmatura
Black & White Heniochus - Heniochus acuminatus
Copperband Butterfly - Chelmon rostratus
Homed Heniochus - Heniochus varius
Frost Fin Cardinal - Apogon Hoevenii
Orbic (Pajama) Cardinal - Sphaeramia nematoptcra
Blue Damsel - Pomacentrus coelestis
Domino Damsel - Dascyllus trimaculatus
Electric Blue Damsel - Pomacentrus coelestis
Fiji Devil Damsel - Chrysiptcra taupou
Green Chromis - Chromis viridis
Staghorn Damsel - Amblyglyphidodon curacao
Striped Damsel (3 Stripes) - Dascyllus sp.
Yellowtail Blue Damsel - Chrysiptera sp.
Aiptasia Eating File - Acreichthys tomentosus
Redtail File - Pervagor janthinosoma
Tiger File - Acreichthys radiatus
Bicolor Goatfish; Fiji - Parupcncus barbcrinoidcs
Yellow Goatfish; Fiji - Parupcncus cyclostomus
Bumblebee (Wheeleri) Goby - Amblyeleotris wheeled
Firefish Goby - Ncmatclcotris inagnifica
Green Mandarin Goby - Synchiropus splcndidus
Orange Marked (Sleeper) Goby - Amblygobius dccussatus
Orangespot Prawn Goby - Amblyeleotris guttata
Purple Firefish - Nemateleotris decora
Railway Sleeper Goby - Valcncicnnea helsdingenii
Red Cap Goby - Elacatinus puncticulatus
Twinspot (Signal) Goby - Signigobius bioccllatus
Watchman Goby (Pink/Blue Spot) - Cryptoccntrus leptoccph
White Sleeper Goby - Valcncicnnea sexguttata
Yasa Hashc Goby - Stonogobiops sp.
Yellow (Target) Mandarin Goby - Synchiropus picturatus
Yellow Rose (Antenna) Goby - Stonogobiops nematodes
Yellow Watchman - Cryptoccntrus cinctus
Arc Eye Hawk - Paracirrhites arcatus
Falco Hawk - Cirrhitichthys falco
Flame Hawk. - Ncocirrhites armatus
Longnose Hawk - Oxycirrhites typus
Bicolor Parrotfish - Cetoscarus bicolor
Bicolor Pseudo - Pictichromis paccagncllac
Strawberry (Purple) Pseudo - Pictichromis porphyrcus
Foxface; Yellow - Siganus vulpinus
Orangespot Rabbit - Siganus guttatus
Scribbled Rabbit Fish - Siganus virgatus
Chocolate (Ycl.Mimic) Tang - Acanthurus pyrofcrus
Flame Fin (Tomini) Tang - Ctcnochaetus tominiensis
Golden Blue Eye Tang - Ctcnochaetus sp.
Powder Blue Surgeon - Acanthurus leucostcmon
Sailfin Tang - Zebrasoma veliferum
Scopas Tang - Zebrasoma scopas
Scopas Tang - Zebrasoma scopas
Sohal Tang; Red Sea - Acanthurus sohal
Clown Trigger - Balistoidcs conspicillum
Niger Trigger - Odonus niger
Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse; Male - Cirrhilabrus cyanoplcura
Brunneus Fairy Wrasse; Male - Cirrhilabrus brunneus
Carpenter Flasher Wrasse - Paracheilinus carpentcri
Disappearing Wrasse - Pseudochcilius evanidus
Lime Green Wrasse - Thalassoma lutesccns
Lunare Wrasse - Thalassoma lunare
Paddlefin Wrasse; Mexico - Thalassoma amblycephalum
Red Sea Cleaner Wrasse - Larabicus quadrilincatus
Six Line Wrasse - Pseudochcilinus hexatacnia
Yellow Banded Possum Wrasse (Flatworm Eater) - Wetmorel
Mono Fish; I.O. - Monodactylus argenteus
Tube Anemone; Super Orange - Ccrianthus sp.
Emerald Crab; All. - Mythrax sculptus
Sea Hare - Dolabella auricularia
Electric Eye Scallop - Lima sp.
Camel Shrimp - Rhynchocinctes sp.
Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata amboinensis
Coral Banded Shrimp - Stcnopus hispidus
Mexican Turbo Snail - Turbo sp.
Blue (Linkia) Starfish - Linckia laevigata
Choc Chip Star; Color - Protorcaster nodosus
Pin Cushion Urchin - Tripncustes gratilla

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Blue (Hippo) Tang
Niger Trigger
Yellow Clown Goby
Tiger Turbo Snails
Tiger Sand Snails
Annularis Angel - Pomacanthus annularis
Bicolor Angel; Fiji - Centropyge bicolor
Coral Beauty Angel - Centropyge bispinosus
Flame Angel; Mar. - Centropyge loricula
Imperator Angel; Juv - Pomacanthus imperator
Orange (Blue Eye) Anthias; Male; Africa
Royal Gramma; Atl. - Gramma lorcto
Orbiculate Batfish - Platax orbicularis
Lawnmower Blenny - Salarias fasciatus
Pakistani Butterfly - Chactodon collare
Orbic (Pajama) Cardinal - Sphacrainia nematoptcra
Domino Damsel - Dascyllus trimaculatus
Fiji Devil Damsel; Fiji - Chrysiptcra taupou
Striped Damsel (3 Stripes) - Dascyllus sp.
Yellowtail Blue Damsel - Chrysiptcra sp.
Tiger File - Acrcichthys radiatus
Firefish Goby - Nemateleotris magnifica
Green Mandarin Goby - Synchiropus splendidus
Scissortail Goby - Ptereleotris cvides
Yellow (Target) Mandarin Goby - Synchiropus picturatus
Yellow Watchman - Cryptocentrus cinctus
Indigo Hamlet; Atl. - Hypoplectrus indigo
Flame Hawk. - Neocirrhites armatus
Eclipse Hogfish - Bodianus mesothorax
Dwarf Lion - Dcndrochirus zebra
Porcupine Puffer - Diodon holocanthus
Stars & Stripes Puffer - Arothron hispidus
Fiji Foxfacc; Fiji - Siganus uspi
Foxfacc; Yellow - Siganus vulpinus
Spotted Swcctlips - Plcctorhinchus chactodonoidcs
Blue Eye Tang - Ctenochaetus binotatus
Chocolate (YeLMimic) Tang - Acanthurus pyroferus
Clown Tang - Acanthurus lincatus
Naso Tang; Fiji - Naso iituratus
Powder Blue Surgeon - Acanthurus leucosternon
Purple Tang - Zebrasoma xanthurum
Sailfin Tang - Zebrasoma veliferum
Humu Humu Trigger - Rhinecanthus aculcatus
Niger Trigger - Odonus niger
Rectangulus Trigger - Rhinecanthus rectangulus
Brunncus Fairy Wrasse; Male - Cirrhilabrus brunneus
Carpenter Flasher Wrasse - Paracheilinus carpcntcri
Dragon Wrasse; Juv - Novaculichthys taeniourus
Harlequin Tusk; Aus. - Licnardclla fasciata
Six Line Wrasse - Pscudochcilinus hexataenia
Whipfin Fairy Wrasse; Male - Cirrhilabrus fialmentosus
Bubble Anem; Green - Entacmaea quadricolor
Long Te****le Anemone; Colored- Macrodactyla doreensis
Sebae Anemone; Colored - Hctcractis crispa
Yellowbelly Dogface Puffer
Indo Trachy Pastel Green
Indo-Elegance Neon Purple Tip
Indo Trachy Radioactive Splatter
Indo Hammer Wall Gold Stem
Indo Torch Dragon Soul 1 Head
Indo Torch Dragon Soul 1 Head
Indo Orange Fungia
Indo Orange Fungia
Indo Trachy Blood Goblin
Blue Leg Reef Hermit Crab; AtL; Large - Paguristes sp.
Pistol Shrimp; Candy Stripe - Alpheus sp.
Astrca Snail; Atl - Lithopoma tectum
Nassarius Sand Snail - Nassarius sp.
White Sand Star; Fiji - Archaster typicus
Long Spine Urchin - Diadcma sp.

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Flametail Gibbac L114
Rummynose Tetra
Orange Flourescent Cory


4501 New Falls Road
Levittown, PA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 7pm
Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Friday 10am - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 7pm
Sunday 10am - 7pm


(215) 269-4930


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The Hidden Reef from the beginning.

Levittown, Pennsylvania to visit the area’s largest aquarium superstore. To give you an idea of the size of this store, the building was originally a supermarket and then a ballroom before Siegfried (Ziggy) Gutekunst transformed it into the Hidden Reef.

Ziggy was born in the United States and returned to Germany with his mother when he was eight years old. He acquired his first aquarium when he was ten. It contained the usual fare—mollies, guppies, gouramis, and plants. As with most live bearers, nature did her thing and the inhabitants multiplied rapidly. Being restricted by his mother to a single 10-gallon aquarium was tough with all of the baby fish he had, so he made arrangements with his school to trade fish for lunch money, as they had a 200-gallon aquarium and space was not an issue. He kept that 10-gallon aquarium until he was 15 and never got anything bigger because his mother said, “You will tire of it and waste a lot of money.”

In 1987, Ziggy came back to the U.S. and moved into an apartment on top of his father’s barber shop. He took a job at a jewelry store doing repair work. The store was located next to a hardware store, where he met his former partner George Kunz, who happened to have had a 90-gallon reef aquarium. “I was hooked the first time I saw an Australian sea apple,” Ziggy said.

One can only imagine how nervous his father was about the structure of the floor over his barber shop as Ziggy’s collection of rare saltwater fish, corals, and large aquariums for housing the animals grew. At that time he had one of the first purple tangs, black tangs, sohal tangs and asfur angels. Structural support aside, his father proudly conducted aquarium tours of his son’s apartment for his barber shop customers to see the beautiful tanks featuring fish and coral.