Congratulations to our sweet 15 year-old beautiful Cheyenne  who was recently just adopted by Lisa…
 Cheyenne was rescued from new Holland by Central PA horse rescue back in April 2019… Since then she has had two other adoptions… Due to no fault of her own, but the first situation ended in divorce, where Cheyenne had to be returned to here to Central Pa Horse Rescue… And then her and her best friend Scout were adopted by a family for 2 1/2 years and again of no fault of her own. The family decided they no longer wanted horses… Her best friend Scout was adopted back in October. And Cheyenne had felt like she had lost her best friend… Now she has a beautiful loving forever home with Lisa along with two new friends… Bear and Graffy!  She is definitely loving her new friends and family. Congratulations to Cheyenne and Lisa!!!