Sushi is back at it with being cool and collective on walks! 🥳
Today my assistant Goliath challenged her reactivity towards other dogs. Sushi did amazing and even was allowed a couple second introductions she did great with! 🧡
Next stop on Sushis journey is the park!! 🐾
📣RECALL📣 this is the most important cue for your dog!!If your dog got out ✨RECALL✨ If your dog is getting into something they shouldn't ✨RECALL✨ if your dog took your sock ✨RECALL✨
Ping has been getting more comfortable in my backyard so I have been able to work on some cues in the yard. She is typically easily distracted and is only interested in me if I have a toy. she has already been improving!🧡
Ping can be adopted from the Greater Androscoggin Humane Society (I do not speak for GAHS)
Next step in "Focus" adding the cue word. 🐾
All cues should be taught in the least distracted environment possible for the cue this is taught in a room with limited decor and furniture.
Ping had been a lovely guest she is still an excited little pup learning how to live in this world not designed for dogs! She is comming out of she shell showing me how playful she really is!! 🧡
Ping can be adopted from the Greater Androscoggin Humane Society (I do not speak for GAHS)
Focus with Ping
My first voice over📣
Sweet ping girl is learning so fast. She is doing great work to earn her treat when there are no distractions around and that is the first step in teaching any cue.🧡
Visit Greater Androscoggin Humane Society so learn more about how to adopt her. (I don't speak for GAHS)
Not all dogs want to work for treats🐕
Ping here would rather chase a deflated ball then eat hot dogs, so we adjust for her needs!🧡
Get ready to see a lot more of Ping and watch her journey of learning to be a dog in this human world.🐾
Ping can be adopted through the Greater Androscoggin Humane Society
(I do not speak for GAHS)
These two have shown so much progress in their bond! 💞
Younn is such a happy pup, and his guardian has the tools she needs to keep him feeling safe and relaxed! 🐾