Your pet is typically the only pet in the shop at the time of services. If your pet NEEDS to be the only pet in the salon please let us know when you book and we can accommodate. There will be a drop off and pick up time. Please let us know how much time you need to be able to make it to the salon to pick up your pet, we will call or text you when we are that amount of time from being finished. We
will also give you an estimated pick up time at drop off. If you are unable to pick up your pet promptly you will be charged a boarding fee and your pet may be placed in a room to wait. If you no call no show or cancel with less than 24 hours notice, you will be charged up to 100% of your scheduled service and will be required to pay a deposit to schedule again. 2 or more missed/same day cancellations will result in being declined services. Your time is very valuable, but so is ours. We understand life happens and will be understanding to a certain extent, communication is key! Documentation of rabies vaccine is required for every pet that is seen here at the shop. If you have updated the vaccine, please text, message, bring in a copy, or email a copy. PRICES
You can check out more detailed prices on our website, our prices our based on an hourly rate to pay our groomers a livable wage and to keep our doors open
Dog services...................................$75-100/Hr
Cat services....................................$100-150/Hr
Nail trim.......................................... $20
Please call, text, or book online for nail trims, consultations, and other services. Cash or Card are the only forms of payment currently accepted. Rainbow Pet Services