Miss Piper is a very special pup who first came to me in March 2022. She had very little mobility in her hind limbs and she was heartworm positive. With a lot of therapy and a lot of love, she is able to run and play and is free of heartworms. She is definitely living her best life. Go Piper Go! 🎉❤️🥰
Senior acupuncture therapy
One of the most rewarding parts of my job is being able to help senior pets with mobility troubles and pain management. Each one takes a piece of my heart when they pass but it is comforting to know that their quality of life was good in their final years.
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Elsie Grace graduated rehab therapy 4.5 weeks after her CCL surgery. She is doing amazingly well! Go Elsie Go! @chevychaseanimalclinic
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Starla came to me for rehab therapy and acupuncture to help her heal from a spinal injury. She is slowly regaining her hind limb reflexes and ability to move them thanks to the help of some very dedicated friends at Bluegrass Shih-tzu Rescue. Go Starla Go! Miranda Leigh
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Braxton is enjoying some weaves in his wheelchair! Braxton gets regular at-home therapy for treatment of his degenerative myelopathy.
Degenerative myelopathy is a genetic disease of the central nervous system similar to ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) in humans. There is no cure but with the help of various therapies, one can maintain strength as long as possible and slow the progression of the disease.
It has been almost two years since Braxton was diagnosed and he still has a hunger for life. He would not be here today without the help of his extremely dedicated owners. Let’s give Braxton some love! ❤️
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This is my own sweet pup, Cassidy. She tore her left CCL (similar to ACL in humans) just over one week ago. Due to her age (14), history of multiple emergency surgeries as well as a recent mast cell tumor removal, and mild arthritis, I chose to conservatively manage her knee problem. She has received daily cold laser therapy, passive range of motion stretching, Omega-3 fatty acids, exercise restriction; and NSAIDS for the first three days post-injury. She is doing extremely well and has another nine lives left in her. Conservative management of CCL rupture has definitely been a great option for her!
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