Sometimes owners believe it is best to not groom their pet in the winter months so they "will be warmer". However, not grooming your pet in the winter can have the opposite effect.
Pets with coats that are groomed on a regular schedule, should be kept on schedule throughout the year. Every spring we see it in our salons. Dogs who are on a regular grooming schedule, but haven't been in for months simply because it's cold outside. The coat is matted and/or pelted and the poor pet gets shaved to the skin. Owners are upset because they don't understand that a blade must pass 'under' matting, it cannot go through it. Sometimes there are injuries or skin infections discovered underneath all that mess which leads to veterinary visits.
Keeping fur bearing breeds groomed means excessive undercoat does not build up allowing the coat to do it's job. The guard coat reflects wetness and cold, while the undercoat holds warm air near the skin.
For hair bearing breeds, it's okay to groom a bit longer for winter warmth, but dead undercoat still needs to be removed. However, 1/2 inch of extra coat keeps your pet no warmer. You will need extra inches if you are growing for warmth and that may mean more frequent grooming to prevent matting.
Is winter grooming really necessary? Absolutely it is!