I have gotten a lot of people asking "what horse should I buy?" I always say, do not buy until you are ready and know what you are doing.
How? Talk to local trainers who won't jump down your throat to buy this horse from them today. See if you can learn what goes into feeding, costs of feeding, vet and farrier expenses, trailer upkeep, hay differences and costs. Also talk about different breeds and what you want a horse for.
Why? Horses are expensive. Upkeep is expensive. Equipment for them is expensive. You also need to do you research on breeds that would best suit what you are wanting to accomplish, do, ride, etc.
What? You will need buckets, hay, pitchforks, bucket hooks or straps, a trailer or good relationship with someone with a trailer, vet, farrier, bedding, a place to keep a horse (1+acre), first aide kit, shelter, halter and lead, scissors, knife, grooming kit, and an adequate water source just to start. That is for horses who do not work or ride. There is so much more for horses to work, drive, or ride.
When? Never. There really never is the best time to buy a horse. Opportunity just knocks and you need to know if now is a good time to invest. Horses are an investment, most of the time they never pay out. You need to have everything you need before purchasing.