I am so proud of Mila and Cocoa. Michelle Kildare did an amazing job with training and they are setting Cocoa up to have a wonderful life and be a fabulous dog! I love when kids get engaged with training. Look at how much control Mila has!!! I can't be more proud of this family!
This is Cook and Cook came to me as a very hard case. Maybe the most challenging yet. You see, someone hurt Cook very early on in his life and while he knows his immediate family will never hurt him and he loves him very much he doesn't trust any other people. Cook lashes out to get you before you get him.
My first session with Cook was 2 weeks ago and he wanted to eat me the entire time. Cook was muzzled but was still barking, lunging and growling at me and wanted me to get out of his house. I could only toss him treats from a distance and I wasn't sure we would ever get to a different place.
This is the second session and we went for a walk, something Cook doesn't get to do a lot of because of his aggression.
Today I took the leash and walked Cook. While he tried lunging at me a couple of times, he he learned I wasn't going away and we were still going to have enjoyable walk he accepted me and started acting like a normal dog, with wagging tail and head held high. After the walk, Cook was coming up to me with a wagging tail, wanting more treats. Keep in mind we are not working on commands with Cook, solely working on him existing with me and learning it's okay and I'm not there to hurt him.
This is real progress for this dog and I couldn't be more proud of him.
Thank you to Pauline Balta for the referral and thank you to Capital Humane Society for their Pawsitive Impact Project to provide training opportunities for low income families. Without this, the family would have not been able to afford training on their own.
#everydogmatters , #cookcounts
All dogs should enjoy life off the leash! Contact me for all of your training needs! [email protected]
Today we conducted an Animal Assisted Therapy Evaluation for a mini horse named Jet. He and his owner, Teri, were so much fun! Jet played the piano and liked to shake "hooves". Thank you to Pet Partners for allowing these fun animals to bring so much joy to other people! Jet will bring smiles everywhere he goes!
Baby Rocky is learning his commands with his foster dad and is rocking it!! Thank you to Nebraska No Kill Canine Rescue for letting me work with him!
Please contact me at [email protected] for all of your training needs!
Barkley Goes to Bootcamp!
Anyone who knows Connie knows she is a badass and does marathons and races! Connie needs to take Barkley to boot camps at good life fitness n-10sive boot camp so we went tonight and practiced! Barkley did great and they are ready to go on their own! Check Barkley out holding a down/stay while Connie does her workouts!
Email me at [email protected] for any training needs!
Taz is a B-I-G puppy and he likes to do everything in sloooooowwww motion. He has come a long ways in just a few short weeks and is well on his way to becoming a therapy dog! Taz's parents, Misty and Joe, have done good work with him!!
Please contact me at [email protected] for all of your training needs!
Kronk came from York Adopt-A-Pet and hit the doggy jackpot with his owners! @Lauren and Luis started training right away and have done an amazing amount of work in a short period of time. Kronk has mastered his sits, downs, waits and recalls! I'm so proud of Kronk and his owners and it was such a pleasure working with them. Training was fun for everyone which is how it should be!
Contact me at [email protected] if you'd like help with your dog!
#rescuedogsrock, #kronkers, #hardworkpaysoff