Lindsborg Våffeldagen March 23
"Happy birrrrrrrrrrday, Mr. Waffle Iron," sings Marilyn the Glamorous Waffle. Marilyn is celebrating the 150th anniversary of the patenting of the waffle iron, and she is just one star our day for eating waffles and making waffle-y humor. It's Lindsborg Våffeldagen on Saturday, March 23, 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Are you in training for Våffeldagen 2019?
Lindsborg's Dala Action News Team is serious about covering Våffeldagen on March 23. Are you in training?
Aloha from The Borg!
Get yourself to downtown Lindsborg for the first Swedish Luau. Today 2-5 p.m. Lutefisk limbo, conga-ing with the Swedish meatball pig, tasty themed food and bev to buy, games, free tastings, drawings. Hawaiian shirts free while they last at The Ivory Thimble. Buy your ukulele at Trollslanda Lindsborg Toy Store from the play along at Lucia Park downtown.
The gentle night
A Lindsborg winter's evening.
Bringing Cheer
Thanks, First Bank Kansas, on Lindsborg's Main Street.
Waving at you
It's breezy at the intersection of Main and Lincoln, where newly installed flags are flying. The scene starts with our new Lindsborg flag, pans to the Kansas state flag, then to the Swedish flag, and then to the U.S. flag. Thanks, former Mayor Bill Taylor, sponsors, and ace graphic designer Holly Lofton.
Let's get around
Our wheels are turning on this lovely morning. Hope you're feeling lively, wherever you are.
Just borrow an umbrella at most Lindsborg stores and make your way around town. We relish listening to the rain's patter.