There are several cases of kennel cough in the Lake area! Here is what you must know to keep your pet(s) safe!!
What Is Kennel Cough?
Kennel Cough (also known as Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis, or canine cough) is an acute, highly contagious respiratory tract disease of dogs caused by viral, bacterial or mycoplasma organisms. Therefore, most dog coughs will be classed as Kennel Cough.
Several organisms cause Kennel Cough, including but not limited to Canine Para Influenza Virus, Canine Adenoviruses type 1 and 2 and Canine Herpes Virus, but the primary most common organism and what the Kennel Cough vaccine is developed for is Bordatella Brochiseptica.
Kennel Cough in Dogs
How Long Does Kennel Cough Last?
Have you ever asked “how long does kennel cough last?” Kennel Cough lasts about 1 to 3 weeks. However, in some cases, the cough may persist for several weeks, especially without proper treatment. It's important to monitor your dog's condition and seek veterinary advice if Kennel Cough symptoms last longer than three weeks.
How Does Kennel Cough Affect Dogs?
These infectious organisms infect and cause inflammation to the trachea, larynx, bronchial tree and lungs, causing irritation, coughing and increasing mucus secretions.
The coughing will be more severe upon lying down, making the animal appear restless, especially with a change of weather, atmospheric environment, or after exertion.
Can humans contract Kennel Cough from dogs?
It can spread from dogs to humans, but it is very rare. Unless you have a pre-existing medical condition, humans are very unlikely to contract Kennel Cough from dogs. However, if you do, you're at a much higher risk of developing different lung conditions, like pneumonia or an upper respiratory tract infection.
How is Kennel Cough Spread?
How is Kennel Cough transferred? Kennel Cough is very contagious and is transmitted via dog-to-dog contact or contaminated surfaces such as bedding, food, water bowls and toys. The most common places of infections are where lots of dogs congregate, so kennels, daycares and dog parks.
Incubation time can be 3 to 10 days after initial contamination, and many dogs can carry it for several months without showing symptoms. People ask can Kennel Cough spread to humans but as mentioned such cases are uncommon.
Kennel Cough symptoms
The main symptom will be your dog coughing, and they may have some or all of the below symptoms. The sudden onset of dry barking spasms of coughing can be productive or non-productive. Owners often wonder about the duration of these symptoms and ask, "How long does Kennel Cough last in terms of visible signs?"
Many people will describe this as a hacking cough, which may appear as if they have a bone stuck in the throat – this is one of the key symptoms of kennel cough. While the coughing may subside within a few weeks, watch for other symptoms like nasal discharge, lethargy, and appetite loss.
The dog will show signs of laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis. Kennel Cough is an upper respiratory tract disease, so if rattling in the lungs is heard, please seek veterinary advice. It’s important to keep your eye out for these dog cough symptoms. If your furry best friend has a rattling sound in their lungs, it is essential to seek veterinary advice.
In addition to a cough, the graphic below contains other common symptoms: