Sadie and her brand new friend Daisy.
Cosmo and new friend Lucas.
Zuzu getting blow dried. She’s a little nervous but doing well.
Just met. A little fun for a while. George and Ginsie 🐶
New Dexter is finding Mia to be good company.
Baby Baloo is looking for trouble. ( trouble comes on Thursday) he’s poking around at everybody. Juno is minding her own business. Samona says Nope. Not doing that. Falling paper is good. That’s Annie, the fun police. He almost got arrested.
Charlie the newly adopted girl. Her new bestie is Nasir.
Penny and her toy obsession. It’s quite entertaining.
New older girl with her younger brother. Her dad told me about the big thing on her face. Weird toe nails and arthritis too. He thought a groomer cut her face and that was months ago. ( it is always our fault). It wasn’t. After I got the big chunk off I knew what it was. She has terrible rotten infected teeth. It was a top tooth that decayed and abscessed and eventually burst open through her jaw bone. Came out through her skin. Very painful. I’ve seen this kind of abscess several times. But when it breaks open she felt relief. Betcha a nickel. The scab I cut off was huge. It drained for days with infection and blood. It dried and more infection kept coming. It got bigger and bigger. Finally it healed itself with time. She was so patient and sweet. I’m glad I got to fix her up🥰 hope that’s not to icky of a story for you peeps😜 all is well that ends well💕
Shelby and Cali having a great time🤣😂