For those of you who have not paired crested geckos, here is a video of an introduction. The female, the larger one, Tennessee Honey, is proven and experienced with several males. The male, Lemony Cricket, is unproven, this is the second female he is with but the first one was just a few weeks ago so we don’t know if they will produce yet.They just were put together and she is basically telling him to leave her alone right now.
3week old agricolae. Parents are Kiwi and Filbert.
Here's an interesting case study. This male had his first breeding experience a couple months ago. Unfortunately he did not retract his hemipene and had to go to the vet. The vet anesthetized him and put it back in and put one little stitch in him to hold it in. Unfortunately that didn't work and it popped out again even with the stitch there. Now we had to go back to the vet again and have it amputated, again under General anesthesia. He woke up and seemed fine.
Several days later we found him like this. Shaking. Since he's been on a good diet and has never had any symptoms like this before our guess was that the two surgeries caused a calcium crash. We gave him some calcium for a couple of days that we got from Gotham Geckos. Within a day or two he was fine and has been fine ever since.
Tracy asked me to post this time lapse video she made of one of her eggs hatching.