This boy is a BULL in real life. 9mo old and he is looking amazing.
I guess it’s finally time to introduce yall to Ultimate Bullies SUPERSTAR. GONE GIRL really threw that structure on this girl. She has some chocolate Tri baby BULLS in her belly. I will reveal the stud soon.
Hashtag produced his ass off with this breeding. He gave us this BULL of a female. We are excited to see what she adds to the camp in the future. She’s only 11 months old right now so it’s time to play the waiting game.
This boy is only 8months old and carries his self like a grown dog. We look forward to watching him grow.
GAMEBOY is the most compact short back bull that I have ever seen. It’s time for him to go to work!!!!
This girl is amazing at 7 1/2 mo.
Here is another one of our productions. This BEHEMOTH daughter is the absolute truth. We look forward to watching her mature.
Figured I give yall a sneak peek of one of the future superstars in making. I will be posting updated photos of the whole litter including this beautiful baby girl very soon.
Some of our dogs aren’t for everyone. No need to get butthurt about it. This just might not be the time for you.
Sneak peek of the Glo-up of our beautiful HASHTAG daughter COOKIES and CREAM. This girl is a big body BULL!!!!
Who wants this beautiful Bull??? She has produced very well for us and we are now letting her go to do great things for someone else.
Check out one of our BEHEMOTH daughters. This girl is simply AMAZING in every way. I look forward to seeing how our CHINA and BEHEMOTH pups turn out. They are up next!!!!!