We will always miss you, Jac. Happy birthday ❤️
Looking back, cherishing the memories, is both painful and beautiful. Jacqueline was, and is, so inspiring. When you were with her, it was easy to imagine that anything was possible. There is a very short list of people who have actually changed this industry - people who have considered the world around them and had the force to fix it. To me, none of them hold a candle to Jacqueline.
Today, on her birthday, we take time to remember. A leader. A teacher. A pioneer. A friend. Love you, Jac. Thank you for everything ❤️
When we remove our food supply from its natural order, we disrupt its cycles and have to attempt to circumvent the damage by further disrupting them. Sick animals cannot produce healthy food - truly, a sick environment cannot produce healthy food.
It's interesting to note that damage compounds generation to generation. This is why "results" are often so hard to quantify regarding nutrition or environmental practices - it may take many generations of compounding effect to truly understand the full impact of our "interventions".
Sometimes its nice to slow down and remember what this is all for ❤️
Fish Gelatin Jiggles are made on a regenerative farm using whole whitefish, fermented herring, fermented cod livers, and mango. This combination of monounsaturated fatty acids, whole food probiotics, proteolytic enzymes, vitamins, and minerals is nutritionally unique and can be used to achieve innumerable healing outcomes. Fish Gelatin Jiggles are made using wild-caught MSC Certified fish that have been tested for heavy metals.
Mother Nature knows best. We are eager to honor her mechanisms ❤️
It all starts with healthy soil - generations of animals and humans work together to cultivate beautiful dirt - the prosperity and regeneration of the earth. We are blessed to witness.
Come as you are, there is room at the table - do the best that you can do. More often than not, true solutions to complex problems begin with simple steps.
Fermentation vs Kill Steps
Roxanne and @thepetparentingreset discuss fermentation and kill steps - watch the full interview at the top link here: https://tr.ee/LnOJEZuWXp ❤️
Solutions Pet Products focuses predominantly on lactofermentation or wild fermentation, which involves allowing wild cultures inherent to food to consume starches and sugars in order to convert them into various organic acids. This can also be accomplished by inoculating food with a food that is already rich in lactic acid, such as raw sheep’s milk. ��
Research clearly shows the incredible food preservation ability of fermentation - not only is it the oldest known method of spoilage prevention, but biological analysis demonstrates that foods that are properly fermented have a balanced and diverse microflora, which outcompetes pathogenic microorganisms, rendering them benign.
Roxanne discusses why she and Chelsea attend AAFCO meetings - in order to understand what we are up against, we need to see what happens in the arena of "big ag" and "big pet food" regulatory - as Roxanne says, the writing's on the wall.
Check out this full interview on The Pet Parenting Reset with Jessica Fisher at the link below:
Roxanne explains an absolutely crucial aspect of the importance of sourcing! By feeding animals a species appropriate diet, we dramatically reduce the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria - and the difference isn't even close.
#realfood #rawfood #rawpetfood #grassfed #pastured #regenerativeagriculture