Hello Everyone!
I am here to offer in home pet services for your lovable pets. These services include…
Nail trimming (dogs, cats, rabbits, lizards, Guinea pigs etc.) $25
Ear Cleaning $30
A**l Gland Expression $30
Teeth brushing $20
Sanitary cleaning and trimming $30
Help with giving medications $20
A little about me, I’m a registered veterinary technician in the emergency veterinary field. I have grown up with animals my whole life and absolutely love helping them and their owners anyway I can. I wanted to offer my pet services to those animals that have high stress and anxiety when going to the groomers or veterinary hospital for nail trims or ear cleanings.
Sometimes it’s so much more comfortable for these animals to be in their own home and environment for things like nail trimming or a**l gland expressions as those are high stress situations on their own. I have noticed such a huge difference in being able to go to owners homes and do these necessary things needed for a comfortable life of their pet. I am here to help 😊
I’m available in the Tri Valley, San Ramon, Danville, Castro Valley and Hayward